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The United States of America on Thursday evening lauded the outgoing acting Deputy Chief of Mission, Peter Anthes, for his outstanding work in Guyana.In fact,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the outgoing envoy was given an award at Thursday’s reception which was held at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown, in observance of the United States Independence Anniversary.Chief of Mission, Bryan Hunt, delivered remarks on behalf of his country. He said that July 4—US Independence Day—in the United States represents a very special day in the history of the country.“It is a day we celebrate our independence from Great Britain, but it is also a day we celebrate what makes our country great. We, much like Guyana, are a country of immigrants.”Hunt thanked the “dedicated” U.S. Embassy staff,Cheap Jerseys, who, he said, have been preparing for the special event for several months, while simultaneously supporting the United States efforts to see free, fair,Wholesale Jerseys, and credible elections here in Guyana.“I think we would all agree that they have succeeded admirably on both fronts.”After his broad acknowledgment,NFL Jerseys From China, Hunt sought “to single out one person for special mention — our outstanding Acting Deputy Chief of Mission, Peter Anthes. Peter and I have worked side by side for the past year to help strengthen the bilateral relations between the United States and Guyana,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, and I am grateful to Peter for his tireless efforts.”Hunt said that yesterday would have been the last day for Anthes as he would have concluded his two-year tour in Georgetown.The Chief of Mission said that his deputy will move on to serve the United States in El Salvador.“I wish Peter, his wonderful wife Maria-Esther, and their lovely children Anna, Phillip and Gabby, all the best in the future.”At the end of Thursday’s official proceedings,Cheap World Cup Jerseys, Hunt told the gathering that he will move a little away from tradition to present Anthes with an award for his outstanding work.

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