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President of the University of Guyana Students Society, Duane Edwards, has taken offence at the recent statement by the Secretary of the Cabinet,Cheap Jerseys Supply, Dr. Roger Luncheon, relating to UG students being involved in a legitimate and humanistic exercise to highlight the problems which beset them at the Turkeyen institution.According to President of the UGSS, Duane Edwards instead of trying to understand the reasons and the legitimate basis for these actions, Dr. Luncheon has sought to use language in a negative and intimidating manner to brand students as reckless and extremist. Edwards said that converse to the tone of Dr. Luncheon’s statement,Jerseys Wholesale, which can be used as a window through which the political mentality of our leaders could be viewed; “we would rather seek to make clear the legitimate basis of the actions of the students of the University of Guyana.”He said that the University is an ailing institution that is to say, “Everything that could be wrong is wrong at the University,” starting from the very upper level of the governance of the institution, that is, the UG Council. At that very high level, petty politics and political witch-hunting seem to trump the real needs and interests of the students, the institution itself and the country which the institution is intended to serve.He said that the administrative level of the university presents its own problems. The slothful and at times unresponsive nature of the administration could be deduced from the following specific experience. It is going on to a year now that, responding to the requests made by students, the proprietor of a mobile food outlet has been seeking permission to provide its service on the Turkeyen campus. The UGSS president said that the service is much needed so as to give students a larger variety of options when they purchase anything to eat. Every time the administration is contacted in this regard, the following tune is repeated ad nauseam, ‘the lawyers aren’t finish drafting the contract as yet’.In an institution that takes in an average of fifteen hundred students every year, there is only one ID printing machine. The machine malfunctions regularly due to overuse. This stalls the registration process which in turn affects students’ access to certain services such as the library and IT centres. There were even reported instances of students being unable to write exams because the machine was not in working order and they were not able to secure their student identification cards. This is a clear example of students suffering because of an ill-equipped administration.The state of the laboratories in all the sciences faculties can best be described as deplorable. Equipment are either outdated, in a state of disrepair, or simply non-existent. Students using some of these labs are expected to interact with inimical chemicals without the basic protective gear. Classrooms and lecture theaters are either inadequate,Jeff Green Jersey, lacking furniture, poorly ventilated, leaking, or characterized by some other form of discomfiture. The state of the toilet facilities is another sore and vexatious area of concern for students. Apart from the fact that the student population has outgrown the current facilities, those facilities that are available are poorly maintained. These facilities are always in an unhygienic condition, never having toilet tissue, seldom having running water or any other basic sanitary necessities.All faculties and schools are affected by an endemic shortage of lecturers in general and amply qualified lecturers in particular. The final address by the out-going Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Lawrence Carrington, captured this situation quite graphically.“We will not justify the label of university if all we can show in a teaching and research staff of three hundred and fifty nine (359) academics are nine (9) professors and seventeen (17) senior lecturers. Only two departments are headed by professors,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, both temporary and only four by senior lecturers, one temporary.”As telling as the above excerpt is, we must add that many of our students, ranging from freshmen to seniors, are being lectured by lecturers with first degrees – students are lecturing students. This debilitating shortage of lecturers is affecting the quality of program instruction the students receive since lecturers are expected to fetch extra loads to make up for the shortage. No wonder, then, that only two of the programs at the university are accredited. Moreover, even the two that are accredited are in danger of losing their accreditationThe library lacks any up-to-date books and journals and is filled with a collection of out-dated,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, antediluvian texts characteristic more of an archive than a library.“All these problems with which we the students are beset are enumerated not to taint the image of the institution – God knows we’ve been enduring these problems for far too long now. They are highlighted, however, to make the case that it is only expected that students, overwhelmed by these exigencies, would react in a manner that could bring public attention to our difficulties. They are also exhibited to indicate to Dr. Luncheon and persons of his mentality that if there is anything that is extreme and astonishing at the university, it certainly is not the students.”Meanwhile, at a meeting yesterday with faculty members and students, Dr. Patsy Francis had an open audience trying to solicit views about a way forward. Francis in her address to her peers sought to explain what the main reason behind the protest action was. Dr Francis said that there are a number of issues the university faces which seem to be never ending.She said that the political interference at the university is one of the main reasons why there is no progress at the institution. She also said that the administration cannot spend monies without seeking the proper authority. “All monies have to pass through government,” Francis said. She said that the issue with Freddie Kissoon ignited the fuse but, truth be told, staffers and students have suffered gravely. She said lecturers have to do research projects with their own money.Melissa Ifill, another faculty member sought to inform the crowd about the works the committee members of “Rescue UG” are doing. According to Ifill they have written to the President Mr. Donald Ramotar, Opposition Leaders David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan. She also said that they have met with the Pro Chancellor Prem Misir to discuss issues which was upsetting them.Ifill further stated that the stand which they have taken has gotten regional and international support. She said that they are even getting financial offerings. One such proposal is for colourful posters being placed around the campus to sensitize students about the movement.Union leader, Bruce Haynes yesterday said that staffers should be on time, take their lunch at the requisite time and leave at an appropriate time. Meanwhile a number of persons at the meeting said that staffers should continue the sit in since according to them, it has been very effective. They said that since they have gotten the momentum they should slow down now since they may not get back this support again. Another meeting with the vice chancellor is expected to take place on Monday.Committee members from “Rescue UG” are expected to meet today to decide on the proposed steps for the upcoming week. Dr. Patsy Francis, who has played a pivotal part in the protests at the University, told Kaieteur News that they will be meeting to discuss several issues.Dr. Francis further told Kaieteur News that so far the “sit in action” which is expected to end today has been very effective. She noted that there are a few lecturers who did not partake in the action because of intimidation by their superiors.President of the UGWU, Bruce Haynes, yesterday said that no one has openly said that they were intimidated by their superiors. He noted that whatever action is being taken was legitimate. Haynes further told Kaieteur News that workers are opting to do things on caution.He said that if any of the staffers do not want to take part in the action, they cannot be sanctioned in anyway. On Wednesday several students from the Faculty of Agriculture joined in the ongoing protest action at the University of Guyana. About 15 to 20 students blocked the main entrance at the Turkeyen Campus, prompting several police ranks to intervene.President of the UGSS, Duane Edwards, who participated in the protest,Cheap Jerseys, said that the students were feeling disgusted at the present situations in their respective faculties and were forced to stage the protest. Edwards said that the issues which are being protested have once again pointed to the deplorable conditions at the university. Also, Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS) Dr. Roger Luncheon on Wednesday described what he termed the “spectacle on the University of Guyana campus” as unbelievable. He attributed the ongoing actions at the University to indolence and indulgence on the part of the institutions’s administration. He also noted that the members of the UG Council had refrained from speaking about the Freddie Kissoon issue in adherence to the principle of confidentiality governing appointment committee meetings since they believed that the UG administration would have acted.This failure to act in the face of misinformation and lies, the HPS stated, has led to the view that the UG administration is lacking in resolve to address the behaviour of the ‘extremists’ and in light of this, the Government believes that a more appropriate and forceful reaction by the University administration was and remains clearly needed and anticipated. “The descent into recklessness by the very elements at the University of Guyana …it is astonishing,” he said.Kissoon, who passed the age of retirement, had his contract terminated in January after failing to meet the university’s policy with regards to retention of academic staff which is based on having a healthy academic record with research and publications reviewed by academic peers and face a competitive process with other applicants. The 14-member Council did not support his retention hence the termination of his contract. This sparked continuing unrest with students and lecturers alike now calling for better conditions.

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