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[IQ題] Bryan Bickell Jersey









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發表於 2018-4-17 13:22:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Last year, Farmer earned the nickname "Trader Ray" for making three deals in the first round and there's a belief he'll be just as active in 2015.
"The league, in general, has got to figure out how you take guys from this system, change kind of what they are, if you are going to do something different with them, and plug them in," Farmer said.
That might not stop them from making a deeper commitment.
"You'd love for everybody to come in and play and be great," he said. "I don't think that they're done. I think they have more to offer. At the end of the day, I'm going to do the same thing. I'm going to try to add guys to this roster that I think can improve us."
PLAYMAKERS NEEDED: With wide receiver Josh Gordon suspended for the year, the Browns lack a deep threat to keep defenses honest. Farmer passed on taking a quality wide receiver in last year's draft, but he could snap one up from a deep '15 class. Louisville's DeVante Parker and Central Florida's Breshad Perriman will both likely be on the board if the Browns stay at 12.
The Browns have unique insight into the 6-foot-4, 220-pound Mariota, who was tutored in the offseason by Kevin O'Connell, Cleveland's new quarterbacks coach. The team was so confident it had the necessary background on the 22-year-old that the Browns didn't host him for a visit or private workout.
Despite selecting a quarterback in the first round in two of the past three NFL drafts,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the Browns could be in the market again to find the franchise leader they've coveted for decades.
"You have to figure out either how to make the adjustment or everybody is going to start running the spread in the National Football League,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale. I think the teams that figure it out the fastest or change the fastest will reap the benefits."
Maybe they're plotting a power move to get him.
After all,Jerseys From China, Cleveland has gone through 22 starters since 1999, and the club's revolving door at the position has undermined any progress.
BOOM OR BUST: Cleveland's top two picks last season — cornerback Justin Gilbert and Manziel — both struggled as rookies, but Farmer doesn't feel any more urgency to ensure this year's early picks contribute immediately.
However, the cost to jump as high as No. 2 could be steep,NFL Jerseys China, and the Browns, who recently broke out new uniforms, have other pressing needs along with four quarterbacks on their roster. They signed free agent veteran Josh McCown in the offseason and are waiting to see if Johnny Manziel, the No. 22 overall pick a year ago, can straighten himself out following a 10-week rehab stint.
Here's some other things Browns backers are focused on:
Maybe the Browns feel they won't have a chance at him.
With 10 picks, including Nos. 12 and 19 and six of the first 115, Cleveland general manager Ray Farmer has the ammunition to maneuver up and down the board.
Cleveland fans never rooted for their team in the Super Bowl, so the draft is as big as it gets.
"Sure," Farmer said, joking about the possibility. "Why not?"
Well, a strong case can be made that the Browns should do whatever's necessary to acquire Mariota, a dual-threat QB who went 36-5 in college and has a squeaky-clean,Wholesale China Jerseys, off-field image.
There's even some speculation Farmer will trade his top picks and move up to take Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota, last year's Heisman Trophy winner from Oregon.
ANALYZE THIS: There are no certainties in the draft, and one of the biggest guessing games is trying to project college quarterbacks as pros. Because the college game is flooded with up-tempo spread offenses, it's become increasingly difficult to predict if a quarterback's skills translate to the NFL.
Farmer says he no longer believes in "the fairy tale" that one player can turn around a franchise, but it seems quarterback has been the missing piece in Cleveland for far too long.
CLEVELAND (AP) — The Browns have invested heavily into the quarterback position in recent years with scant success.
TWO-FOR-ONE: The Browns have made two first-round picks eight times,NFL Jerseys Outlet, three times since 2007. Cleveland's most successful first-round twosome came in 1978 when the club selected linebacker Clay Matthews (No. 12) and tight end Ozzie Newsome (No. 23), who went on to make the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Either way, there's always drama when it comes to the quarterback situation.
START ME UP: Although Cleveland's first two draft picks had their issues, all six members of the 2014 class started. The best selection was second-rounder Joel Bitonio, who started all 16 games at left guard and was one of Cleveland's best linemen.

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