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發表於 2018-4-17 13:24:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Before that,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, he was head coach in Jacksonville for nine seasons. Del Rio had a 68-71 regular-season record with the Jaguars and made the playoffs in 2005 and 2007, winning one playoff game in his second postseason trip. He was fired with five games remaining in the 2011 season.
A person with knowledge of the plans said Monday that Del Rio will interview with Oakland on Tuesday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the team is not releasing details on interviews.
The contracts of all of their assistant coaches expire Tuesday and they are free to sign with other teams after that. If Oakland wants to keep interim coach Tony Sparano in the job,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, he would likely keep at least some of the assistants.

Del Rio met with Raiders owner Mark Davis during the Broncos' bye week. With Denver being eliminated from the playoffs on Sunday, Del Rio is available for a second interview and will be able to sit down with general manager Reggie McKenzie as well.
Sparano, who is a candidate after going 3-9 in place of Allen,Wholesale China Jerseys, was formerly the head coach in Miami.
The two other known candidates are offensive coordinators on teams still in the playoffs: Seattle's Darrell Bevell and Indianapolis' Pep Hamilton.
ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) — Denver defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio will be the first candidate to have a second interview with the Oakland Raiders for their head coaching job as the two-week search could be nearing a conclusion.
There could be pressure on the Raiders to make a decision soon.
He has extensive NFL experience,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, having played 12 seasons as a linebacker and coaching with New Orleans, Baltimore and Carolina before getting the head coaching job with the Jaguars.
The Raiders are seeking a full-time coach after firing Dennis Allen four games into last season. Like Del Rio, Allen was hired in Oakland in 2012 after a stint as defensive coordinator in Denver. But unlike Allen, Del Rio has experience as an NFL head coach,Cheap NHL Jerseys, which could appeal to Davis.
Del Rio grew up in the Bay Area and his parents are season-ticket holders. He has been defensive coordinator in Denver for the past three seasons, helping the Broncos win three straight AFC West titles.
The Raiders have only hired three coaches — Joe Bugel, Norv Turner and Art Shell in his second stint — who had previously been head coaches on professional teams as late owner Al Davis often preferred young up-and-comers over retreads.
Oakland has had eight coaches since the start of the 2003 season. The Raiders have not had a winning record or playoff berth in that span as the constant turnover has contributed to the struggles on the field.
But Del Rio is one of several candidates this year with head coaching experience. Former New York Jets and Cleveland coach Eric Mangini, another former Browns coach, Pat Shurmur, and former Raiders, Denver and Washington coach Mike Shanahan also interviewed.

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