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Cheap Soccer Jerseys Fertilizers









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發表於 2018-4-17 22:01:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Consumers are subjected almost on a daily basis to unfair and deceptive business practices, substandard and dangerous products, inaccurate weights and measures, questionable food quality and a host of other challenges which result in their dissatisfaction. Many of these consumers are forced to seek redress by making complaints to the relevant regulatory agencies when businesses fail to address their concerns.In an effort to reduce consumer complaints,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) under its Standards Compliance programme monitors 20 categories of products to ensure that they comply with their respective labeling and quality requirements. These products include: Domestic electrical appliances, Weighing and measuring devices, Textiles, Garments, Footwear, Safety matches, New and Used Tyres,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Gas stoves, Fertilizers, Cigarettes, Safety helmets, PVC pipes, Furniture, Seat belts, Toys and Playthings, Soap powder, Christmas trees and decorative lighting outfits, Cellular phones,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, Electricity Meters and Water meters. The GNBS does not monitor foods, drugs or cosmetics.Despite the monitoring of products falling under its purview, the reality is that there continues to be instances where complaints are made to the Bureau regarding these products,Nike NFL Jerseys China, particularly cellular phones, domestic electrical appliances, footwear and to a lesser extent,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the other products. As a result, the Bureau has established a Complaints Division where consumers can seek redress with respect to any of the 20 products it monitors. Inspectors of the GNBS thoroughly investigate all complaints with the sole intention of amicably resolving them.In addition, because the GNBS is the agency mandated to ensure accurate weights and measure in Guyana,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, significant emphasis is paid to resolving complaints from consumers who have received short weight and measures due to unscrupulous business practices or defective weighing and measuring devices. Further, the Bureau has over the years increased its points of contact with consumers by establishing sub-offices in other administrative regions. Currently, there are sub-offices in New Amsterdam, Anna Regina, Lethem and Vreed-en-Hoop and persons living in areas surrounding these communities can make their complaints to inspectors stationed at these sub-offices.The process of making a complaint to the GNBS is very simple. Consumers who have purchased any of the above products and have found same to be defective, damaged or not working when put into use and know that these defects or damage did not originate with them, can make their complaints to the GNBS. Before complaining to the Bureau, it is important that the opportunity must first be given to the supplier of the item to address the complaint.If the supplier fails to provide adequate redress, a consumer can call or visit the GNBS Head Office or any of its sub-offices to complete the prescribed complaint form. Some information necessary for the completion of the form include: information about the complainant, the supplier and the product. A copy of the proof of purchase (receipt), and where necessary, a valid warranty document must be provided.The GNBS will investigate to determine whether the fault or defect of the item was caused by the complainant, the manufacturer or the supplier. In some cases, this may require expert testing and sampling of the defective products. Note that the GNBS utilizes the services of independent and qualified technicians to carry out various tests and examinations.Most of the complaints handled by the GNBS are resolved amicably.  In some instances however, complaints have been forwarded to the Consumer Affairs Division of the Ministry of Tourism or the Competition and Consumer Affair Commission or consumers were advised to take legal action. The Complaints Division can be reached by calling the GNBS Hotline number- 219-0069.

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