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發表於 2018-4-18 03:20:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–   Husband still on the run The woman whose battered body was found submerged in a trench at Zeelugt New Scheme, East BankDead: Zabida KhanEssequibo (EBE) Thursday night has been identified as 41-year-old Bibi Zabida Khan, a mother of three of Sea-view, Stewartville.Two of Khan’s children identified her remains at the Ezekiel Funeral Parlour yesterday, a day after she went missing.Her husband, Randolph Williams, a cane cutter, is still on the run. Williams fled into a bushy area after drowning his wife in a trench in the community, which is located about four villages away from her home.She was reportedly stabbed, beaten and strangled in the trench by her partner of 11 years.The killing is said to have stemmed from allegations of infidelity. Her neighbours yesterday confirmed this information.When this publication visited the woman’s home yesterday, neighbours said that the woman might have been killed after her partner found out that she was unfaithful to him for several years.According to one neighbour, “For years now, this woman cheating on him and all the neighbours know but like he never knows. Only last month he confirmed she was seeing someone.”Kaieteur News was told that a little before Christmas, Williams was informed by a neighbour that his wife was having an affair with someone. He was also informed that his wife had a cellular phone which she used to communicate with the individual.“Like when he left and go to work, she does use this phone and make plans with this man and whenever he (husband) come home back in the afternoon, she does hide it so one day he lied and tell her he going to work but he went hiding in the fowl pen at the bottom of the house,” the neighbour related.The house where the couple lived.She added, “She thought that he gone to work and she called the sweet man and her husband was in the pen downstairs listening to the entire conversation and then he walk behind her and touch her on her shoulders and collected the phone.”Kaieteur News was told that Khan was beaten and thrown out of the house by her partner. “She mek he get lock up and then the matter went to the Probation Officer and then the two of them make up back and she move in back with he.”All this happened last December.“They were back to normal and living really good and loving until two days ago when we heard a big cuss out. They were cussing about some phone card so I don’t know if he found a phone card in the house and think she was still talking to the man or what,” another neighbour related.The neighbours said that on Thursday morning, everything seemed normal between the couple since they were seen kissing on their verandah.A little later,China Soccer Jerseys, they were seen walking out of the village holding hands but never returned. It is believed that it was then when the mother of three was lured to her death.This newspaper was told that people saw a man beating a woman in Zeelugt but when they ran to offer assistance, he jumped in a trench with her and strangled her in the trench after which he escaped in a bushy area.The couple’s neighbours yesterday said that they are convinced Williams will kill himself since he reportedly told one of his neighbours last month when he found his wife with a phone, that he will kill her and then kill himself.The couple had no children together. “They had a son but he de fall down the step and died years now.”Meanwhile, one of the woman’s daughters, Saskha Altaf, said that she last saw her mother alive on Sunday when they went to church together. “My mother was so happy. She keep on telling me that she wants another grandbaby.”According to the woman, a little after lunch yesterday, she was informed that her mother was missing and that a body was found.“My sister went and then she called me and tell me it was her,” the woman’s daughter said. She explained that her step father was always abusive to her mother and threatened to kill her many times.Investigations are still ongoing.Only four days ago, a Wismar, Linden woman was stabbed to death by her reputed husband, Lawrence Carter, who vented his wrath with a knife after she returned home in the wee hours after a weekend out.The woman, Leolyn Sullivan, was reportedly stabbed 31 times when she was cornered in a neighbour’s yard after she had jumped through a window, shattering several louvre panes in a desperate but unsuccessful bid to escape the attack. She died while receiving medical attention.He was charged on Thursday.

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