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發表於 2018-4-18 12:46:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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While many argue that the whole idea of the Linden Town Day, or Town Week as the event is now called,Wholesale China Jerseys, has lost its true meaning, many more agree that it is here to stay.Starting out fifteen years ago, as Town Day, the concept which resembles the St Lucia J’ouvert was brought here by popular Linden entrepreneur Norville Fredericks.The idea behind the concept was to celebrate the Town’s anniversary, by showcasing it through art, craft and culture for two days. But Lindeners loved and embraced the event so much that the former two days of activities,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, later stretched into a week.This provided residents unique opportunities to showcase their diverse talents, and of course, ample opportunity to reconnect with friends and relatives from the Diaspora who come especially for the event every year.One of the main highlights of Town Day/Week became the crowning of Miss Linden, which is usually held on the Saturday night preceding the big street jam. Beauties from every ward within the town usually vie for the coveted title. There is much excitement as residents from each of these wards,Jerseys NFL Cheap, be it Silver Town, Amelia’s Ward, or Blue Berry Hill converge at the Mackenzie Sports Club to cheer their girl to victory.But later even more excitement was generated after the ‘Big, Bold and Beautiful’ show featuring plus-size women was introduced.Initially many Lindeners saw this event as one geared primarily to evoke laughter, as many patrons trekked to the venue with the sole objective of poking fun at the big girls, who dared to don swimwear.But they were in for a huge surprise, as these ladies soon proved that beauty comes in all packages.And to boost their morale even further, three women, who are themselves big and beautiful, decided to make the ‘Big Bold and Beautiful’ competitive.Calling themselves Triple B, the trio, Camille Cummings, Marilyn Bourne and Judy Gravesande-Noel, took on the task of preparing the big girls to compete on a professional level. Camille had reflected after the successful staging of last year’s event,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, ‘’I was involved in the ‘Big, Bold and Beautiful’ from its inception, and  I was not at all in favour of the derision that was levelled at these women,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, so when one of my partners Marilyn Bourne suggested that we take the event to another level, I was all for it.’’Subsequent to that decision, the trio had applied for, and was successful in obtaining the franchise to host the Miss Big Bold and Beautiful pageant last year.It was a resounding success. Many mockers and scoffers were converted to ardent fans of this now popular event. There was even talk that the big girls could put their junior counterparts to shame.Now for the second year running Triple B has secured the franchise to host the event; and already six women, each weighing in at more than two hundred and fifteen pounds have begun going through their paces for the big night, come April 26,.So this Town Week, there is a whole lot to look forward to, including another Miss Big Bold and Beautiful Pageant, which the promoters promise will be bigger and better than last year.Several young beauties are also being groomed to compete for the coveted title of Miss Linden,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, and Franchise holder Selwyn Lancaster has promised to pull out all the stops to ensure that this year’s event is a huge crowd pleaser.Linden Town Week officially commences on April 25, with a grand opening ceremony at the Linden/ Georgetown bus park.Some key activities include a Gospel Concert on April 26, the Miss Big Bold and Beautiful on April 28, and the Miss Linden Pageant on May 1. All of these events will be held at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground.Other items on the event’s calendar are parachuting at Bayroc on April 29 and the Linden Expo at the Egbert Benjamin Exhibition Centre on April 30 and May 1. The Wismar creole night will be held on April 30, with the Linden Fund USA dance scheduled for the same date at the Christianburg Hard Court.A number of sporting activities and exhibitions, spelling bees and debating competitions are also expected to be a part of the week of activities.(Enid Joaquin)

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