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Wholesale NBA Jerseys especially at the Oscar Joseph Hospital









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發表於 2018-4-18 22:34:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday a Post Mortem Examination which was scheduled to be performed on the remains of 20-year-old,Cheap China Jerseys, Yonette Williams-Grey, the Somerset and Berks mother who died after undergoing a C-section surgery on May10,Yonette Williams Grey and her husband Clifton Simon Grey.last, at the Suddie Public Hospital, has been delayed.The grieving mother-in-law, Nelly Grey, is calling for an immediate and thorough investigation to be conducted into Yonette Grey’s death.Grey died after she had undergone an emergency C-section operation, at the Suddie Public Hospital, on May 10th, last. Doctors failed to save the woman’s life. They however,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, managed to save her baby’s life.Grey, who was 38 weeks pregnant, had experienced Eclampsia, a rise in blood pressure during pregnancy.Nelly Grey,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who now bears the responsibility of taking care of her nine-day-old granddaughter, is of the belief that if proper care was executed by doctors, especially at the Oscar Joseph Hospital, at Charity,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, where the now dead woman was first admitted as a patient she could have been alive today. “There was no doctor at the hospital; just nurses.”The senior Grey recalled that when her daughter-in-law took in, she was rushed to the Hospital at Charity after complaining for severe abdominal pains. The woman was also vomiting. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, her persistent complaints of experiencing continuous abdominal pains, led to nurses referring her to the Suddie Public Hospital later that same day.Grey said while on her journey to the Suddie Public Hospital, her daughter-in-law got an attack of seizure but again the nurses were ill-equipped to deal with the situation. She added that there was no first aid treatment or oxygen available.A saddened Grey lamented that while her daughter-in-law was finally admitted to the Suddie Public Hospital, doctors performed the emergency operation. After the surgical intervention Grey said that her daughter-in-law was placed on life support.“Blood was all over, it was coming from her nostrils, mouth,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, ears; it appeared as though her blood vessel had burst.”Grey said that Yonette never regained consciousness. Further efforts to transfer her to the Georgetown Public Hospital were made where sadly, she later died. “The doctors told us that she was far gone. “Your daughter-in-law is a very strong woman,” the doctor added.The now dead woman was married to Clifton Simon Grey almost nine months ago.Funeral arrangements for the young Somerset and Berks mother would take place on Wednesday.

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