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Cheap Jerseys China as persons of disability come from all countries









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發表於 2018-4-19 03:33:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) focuses on access and empowerment for people of all abilities. This year’s commemoration aims to bring attention to the many barriers faced by persons living with disabilities, worldwide.These people experience discrimination for transportation, employment and education, as well as social and political participation.UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERALWe mark this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the wake of the adoption of the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  This global blueprint for action summons us to “leave no one behind”.Building a sustainable, inclusive world for all requires the full engagement of people of all abilities. The 2030 Agenda includes many issues of concern to persons with disabilities and we must work together to transform these commitments into action.Earlier this year, the United Nations Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, recognised the key role people with disabilities can play in promoting a more universally accessible approach in disaster preparedness and response. Next year, the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (HABITAT III) will discuss a new urban development agenda to make our cities inclusive, accessible and sustainable. The voices of persons with disabilities will be critical to this processAs we look ahead,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, we need to strengthen development policies and practices to ensure that accessibility is part of inclusive and sustainable development.  This requires improving our knowledge of the challenges facing all persons with disabilities– including through more robust,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, disaggregated data — and ensuring that they are empowered to create and use opportunities.Together with persons with disabilities, we can move our world forward by leavingno one behind.THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATIONToday, the United Nations and the world celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The ILO and other international organizations in Geneva have come together to join persons with disabilities in declaring this day A Day for All.A Day for All invites us to recognize the contributions of disabled persons to our workplaces, our families,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, our schools and our communities. It also asks us to reaffirm our commitment to welcoming and celebrating disability as part of human diversity.Disability is a fundamental expression of human diversity. Firstly, because people with disabilities are the world’s largest minority,Jerseys From China, representing some 15 per cent of the global population. And secondly, as persons of disability come from all countries,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, economic backgrounds and ethnicities, they are arguably the most diverse of all minority groups.On this day we are reminded that there are still millions of women and men with disabilities who face exclusion from mainstream social, economic and political life. Yet we know from experience that when attitudinal and physical barriers are removed, people with disabilities can be as productive and reliable as those without disabilities.Many workers’ and employers’ organizations have long taken a pioneering stand in championing the interests of disabled workers, and recently at the ILO 11 major international companies became the first signatories of the new ILO Global Business and Disability Network Charter. The Charter expresses their commitment to promoting and including persons with disabilities throughout their operations worldwide. It has a broad remit: be it from making the company premises and staff communications progressively more accessible to all employees with disabilities, to combating stigma and stereotypes faced by persons with disabilities.While much has been achieved over the past years and persons with disabilities have gained recognition of their rights by countries around the globe,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, and with them their rightful place in society, there is also much work ahead. A majority of disabled persons still face barriers to enjoying decent work and a better life.Today, we renew our commitment to achieving full and equal rights and participation in society for all women and men with disabilities. Working together, we can break down the barriers to decent work, so that every day will be A Day for All.

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