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Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale









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發表於 2018-4-19 04:14:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eighteen of the league's 30 franchises have won a Stanley Cup, with the Montreal Canadiens the only double-digit winner (18 titles) since 1950. Twelve teams have won multiple championships.
Or, at the very least,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a team that hasn't won a title in nearly two decades.
Of the eight teams remaining in the playoffs, the most recent to win a championship is the Chicago Bulls,Kevin Love Jersey, who captured the last of their six Michael Jordan-era banners in 1998.
Most telling, only two teams (Jacksonville Jaguars and Houston Texans) have never been to an NFL title game or Super Bowl.
Twenty of 30 baseball franchises have won World Series titles since 1950,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, led by the New York Yankees with 15. The Los Angeles (previously Brooklyn) Dodgers are next with six, and a total of 16 teams have won multiple titles during this span.
Seven of the NBA's 30 franchises have never even reached the finals, also the most of any league.
The Los Angeles Clippers, Cleveland Cavaliers and Memphis Grizzlies have never won it all.
There are two franchises that won their only championship so long ago, well, one had a different nickname (the Washington Wizards were the Bullets when they took the 1978 title) and another was in a different city (the 1958 St. Louis Hawks, who didn't move to Atlanta until a decade later). At least they've got a title.
Only eight other teams have won more than one title, the fewest of any league. That means just 10 teams have captured 58 of the 65 titles in the league's history.
Only two clubs — Seattle Mariners and Washington Nationals/Montreal Expos— have never reached the World Series. The Chicago Cubs haven't been since 1945.
Football is clearly the most parity-driven sport, with 22 of 32 franchises winning titles going back to 1950. (This includes winners of the NFL title game up to the 1965 season, and Super Bowl champions since then.)
Six other teams have at least made it as far as the finals. Six active franchises have never played for the Stanley Cup, the oldest being the Arizona Coyotes, who entered the league in 1979 as the original Winnipeg Jets.
The NBA could crown a first-time champion this year.
The Green Bay Packers have the most titles during that time frame with seven. In all,NFL Jerseys From China, 16 franchises have won multiple titles.
This is something new for the NBA,Cheap NBA Store, which has the most exclusive group of champions among the four major North American sports leagues.
The Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors are the only other teams with multiple championships. The Rockets won back-to-back titles in 1994-95 while the Warriors are 40 years removed from their last title. Their only other championship in the NBA era that began in 1950 was a long-forgotten crown in 1956, when they were in Philadelphia.
Since its founding in 1950, two franchises — the Boston Celtics, with 17 titles, and the Lakers,NFL Jerseys China, with 15 combined between Los Angeles and previous home Minneapolis — have hoarded nearly half the championships.
A look at how they stack up when it comes to sharing the championship wealth:

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