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發表於 2018-4-19 05:40:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yet another businessman was shot and robbed as the recent wave of terror continues to sweep the country and keep security officials on their toes.The police are now investigating an armed robbery that occurred at about 23:15 hrs on Thursday during which businessman, Presley Drepaul, called Rambo, 47, was brutally attacked,Cheap NFL Jerseys, shot and robbed by four masked armed men, three of whom were armed with firearms.Presley Drepaul, called RamboDrepaul, of Lot three Don Robin Farm, Corentyne, Berbice,  a remigrant lives at the house with his two brothers- in-law, Ramesh and Ganesh Singh, and his elderly and sickly father-in-law Baney Singh, 75.The occupants of the house stated that they were aroused by a loud noise and persons running in the house.Presley Drepaul was in his bedroom when his door was kicked in and he was confronted by one of the intruders. The men had gained entry to the home, by breaking the louvres in the bottom flat (kitchen) and removing the wooden bar, by the kitchen sink.The men then made their way upstairs via an inside step of the three-bedroom house.Drepaul, it is understood grabbed the gun of the bandits who entered his room and they had a scuffle. He managed to push the bandit outside into the hall. About the same time another bandit armed with a gun came up and shot the man in his right shoulder.The bandits then proceeded to beat him and take away his jewelry—five gold bands, four gold chains, and two cell phones.The man claimed that in all he lost $4.8M.During the robbery another bandit was holding one of his brothers-in-law hostage. The men also demanded the keys to the vehicle that was parked in the yard. After they were unsuccessful in securing the keys of the vehicle they then made their escape, through the front door and into the backlands.Presley Drepaul was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital, by residents using one of the family minibuses. He was admitted in a stable condition.Drepaul, a rice farmer, also owns a number of vehicles and is involved in construction; demolition, land excavation, transportation, rental and hiring of vehicles among other things.He had lived overseas for a number of years, before returning about a year ago and invested heavily.Residents stated that the police took some time to arrive, but the police are refuting this stating that they received a call at 23:35 hrs.One irate resident stated that they have been forgotten by the government.. “We asking for firearm and we ain’t getting. We need street lights and telephone. Nothing this area ain’t get. This is like a lost part in Guyana,” he continued.The residents stated that they are prepared to take matters  in their own hands and if it comes to protesting they will do that. About three years ago a bandit was shot dead near a rice mill, just next door.This is the second robbery in less that a month in the No19 area. Grocer Deochand Hemchand, called ‘Suraj’, and his family were robbed. In the process Deochand was brutally chopped and beaten about the body, losing part of an ear in the process after he resisted the bandits.During the ensuing investigations a man was arrested and a motor vehicle detained. The man is in police custody assisting with the investigations.

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