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發表於 2018-4-19 08:51:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"It's definitely frustrating because we're a good defense,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping," injured defensive tackle Arthur Jones said. "We just have to be consistent."
Just how far away are the Colts from being the sort of defense Pagano wants?
At other times, he sees a defense that is frustratingly unrecognizable.
"It's up to us to execute," defensive end Cory Redding said Monday, less than 24 hours after an embarrassing 42-20 home loss to New England. "Look, it's a tough pill to swallow,China NFL Jerseys, but let's make it clear -- we've got to go out and play winning football."
Then came the defensive debacle in Pittsburgh, another stout performance against the Giants and Sunday's loss after a bye week.
A few weeks ago, against Baltimore and Cincinnati, it looked like Indy's three-year rebuilding project was about to pay big dividends. The Colts gave up 13 combined points against the two playoff contenders and never allowed their offenses to get in sync.
"You know what, the Patriots outplayed us last night," Redding said. "But you've got to move on."
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Sometimes, coach Chuck Pagano sees the kind of Indianapolis defense he envisioned — tough, stout, dominant.
After New England rushed for 234 yards in a 21-point blowout of the Colts last January, coach Bill Belichick stayed on the ground against Indy's revamped defense and rushed for 244. Indy couldn't blame this one on the weather, injuries,Alex Iwobi Arsenal Jersey UK, the Patriots having an extra week to prepare or even Andrew Luck's interceptions. Instead, New England (8-2) came into Lucas Oil Stadium and beat up the Colts on their home turf in a game with playoff implications.
Now they must figure out how to avoid any more roller-coaster rides.
So he understands all is not lost. Indianapolis (6-4) still leads the AFC South by one game and has only two teams with winning records left on its schedule.
"Again,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, when they average over six yards a carry,Cheap Jerseys From China, I don't care who it is, especially the Patriots, it's going to be really hard to play catch up and win a football game," Pagano added.
But after a second poor performance in three games, Redding and his teammates know the Colts must find some answers.

While Ben Roethlisberger's six touchdown passes in a 51-34 thumping could be excused as an aberration because the game was played in Pittsburgh and the Colts lost their top cornerback, Vontae Davis, early in the game,Cheap NFL Jerseys, there's no explanation for what happened Sunday night.
The inconsistency is as perplexing to fans as it to Colts coaches and players, and they have six weeks to figure out what's wrong.
"We're going to go back and look at the tape and try to figure out exactly what went wrong as far as stopping the run and playing better in the red area and those type of things," Pagano said after Jonas Gray ran for a career-high 199 yards and four touchdowns against his defense.
Sure, the 12-year NFL veteran has endured worse. It took Redding eight seasons to reach the playoffs. He missed out on a Super Bowl ring when he deiced to leave the Ravens in 2012 and follow Pagano to Indianapolis in 2012. He's dealt with coaching changes, injuries and the ignominy of playing for the only 0-16 team in league history, the 2008 Detroit Lions.

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