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Cheap NFL Jerseys China yesterday









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發表於 2018-4-19 13:57:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… concerned over GECOM’s procurement methods -JagdeoWhilst conceding that he did not want to get into a tit for tat with the opposition on the issue of the Local Government Administration, President Bharrat Jagdeo is willing to give an opportunity to find consensus on the reforms needed before all parties agree to the holding of Local Government Elections.The Head of State,Cheap Jeseys NFL, during a press briefing,Cheap Jerseys, yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys From China, expressed the sad state of affairs in that a taskforce took eight years and failed to have the reforms come to fruition.He said that he had met with leader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin,China NFL Jerseys, and it was decided that they would make another attempt to provide the opportunity to see the reforms become a reality but could not give a timeline.Jagdeo said that much of the steam being vented by the opposition may be indicative of the fact that they were not ready to partake in the elections.According to Jagdeo, the move was as a result of the fact that the administration wanted to approach the 2010 general elections with some level of civility.He stressed too that there might be legal implications about having two elections in a single year and as such the window of opportunity for the hosting of the Local Government Elections this year is narrow.He said that the April date that the Guyana Elections Commission proposed has been cancelled since it represented an impossible time line to have the elections in light of the most recent development.The President also used the opportunity to lash out at the single sourcing method of procurement of materials by the Commission.According to Jagdeo, there is competitive bidding when the commission uses the single sourcing method,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, adding that he could understand certain specific situations when that method of procurement could be used. The President said, “We should minimise single sourcing,” adding that he was appalled and the number of request made to Cabinet for the use of single sourcing for equipment, adding that the administration is already concerned about the amount of money spent on elections.The opposition parties have publicly voiced, in seeming unison,NFL Jerseys China, their intentions of not participating in any local government elections without the reforms.

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