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Female entrepreneurs were pepped up to climb the metaphorical ladder of success in the business sector yesterday. Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence was declaring the Women in Business Expo openExhibits at the Women in Business Expo.to the public, at the time.The exposition was preceded by several workshop sessions for women in business and radio and television interviews to promote their businesses to the public.Lawrence, among others,Wholesale Jerseys, urged these young entrepreneurs to smash their fears and build their businesses. She said that the Women’s Association for Sustainable Development has created an opportunity for women to move ahead in the business sector and as such she was elated to collaborate with them to encourage more women.She said that it was not only her intention to break the negative perception about women but also to put it aside completely.Chairman of the Women’s Association for Sustainable Development, Sonia Noel, is hopeful that the association would have a “good marriage” with the Ministry of Social Protection. She said that the goal of the expo was to empower women and teach them to build each other up.“We have to take women with us as we climb and together we are so much stronger,”Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrenceshe said, thanking Scotia Bank and The Pegasus.She stated that the association had received over 100 applications from entrepreneurs to partake in the exhibition but sadly,NFL Jerseys China, she said, they were only able to accommodate 40 businesswomen. Three of them were Trinidadians, and there was one Surinamese and a Barbadian.These women were allowed to showcase their businesses,NHL Jerseys Authentic, free of charge, at The Pegasus hotel in Kingston.One exhibitor, Germaine Williams, said that she was shocked by the other women’s enthusiasm during the workshop sessions. “It was very inspiring how they were thirsty to know everything about business,” she said,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, adding that since women live in a “man’s world” they should be tenacious and earn their respect as strong women in business.She said women are usually not taken seriously in business so it was important to break that perception.Williams is the owner of a hair therapy business in Trinidad and Tobago.Another Trinidadian businesswoman stated that she was grateful for the opportunity offered and she was prepared to make the best out of it. She said the exhibition taught her things about herself she did not know existed. It is her dream to expand her janitorial service in Guyana and other parts of the Region.Co-owner of AT Investments,wholesale nfl jerseys, Amrita Rivas also expressed elation about the exposition. Her company which deals with immigration is offering deals on Visa applications. She stated that she is aware that many persons would like to travel during the summer and that they are always looking for cheaper rates so she decided to form her own immigration consultation firm. “We want to make it easier for people to do their visa forms,Wholesale Jerseys,” she said while applauding the association for giving them an opportunity to promote their business.“We have learnt so much in these past few days about owning our own business, our eyes were opened. It was also exciting with the other women in business.Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Business, Rajdai Jagarnauth, lauded the initiative. She described it as timely. She said that women’s contribution in society is diverse and so women in business would allow for sustainable development of the country and sector.She said there is a place for women in the Ministry of Business and that their worth is recognized.

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