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[本地音樂] Cheap Jerseys Store was also appointed the Agriculture Manager









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發表於 2018-4-20 07:03:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– several managers transferredAs the country’s sugar industry struggles to regain its footing following a hefty price cut from Europe and from low production, the corporation has, within the last six weeks, made sweeping management changes that saw the recall of some officials and the transfer of others.According to an internal press release made available to Kaieteur News, GuySuCo’s top management explained that the changes are in keeping with its objectives to optimise the effectiveness of its operations.The internal press release, dated May 27, was sent by Chief Executive Officer, Errol Hanoman,Cheap NFL Jerseys, to Communications Officer, Mahendra Roopnarine. Hanoman resigned earlier this week.The document disclosed that with effect from June 1, the Regional Director posts, held by Rishi Sookram, in Demerara, and Jairam Pitam, in Berbice, will no longer exist.Petam was recalled to work in the Head Office at Ogle as the Human Resources Director.As part of the changes, Sookram, who will remain part of the Corporation’s Management Committee, was reassigned as the General Manager of the Materials Management Department,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, reporting directly to Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Rajendra Singh.According to the internal release, as of January 1, 2010, retroactively, Peter Persaud was confirmed as the Estate Manager of Albion/Port Mourant; Yudhisthira Mana as Estate Manager for Blairmont and Kissoon Singh as Estate Manager for LBI/Diamond.As of June 1, Sharma Dwarka was confirmed as Factory Operations Manager.On the same date also, Karamchand Bramdeo was appointed Estate Manager (ag) of the Rose Hall Estate; Devendra Kumar as Estate Manager (ag) of Wales Estate and Vinoor Ramnandan as the Estate Manager (ag) of Uitvlugt.There were also significant changes to the positions of Agriculture Managers.Retroactively also to January 1,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, 2010, Mohamed Zid and Threbhowan Shiwprasad were confirmed as Agriculture Managers of Rose Hall/Providence Estates and Albion/Port Mourant Estates respectively.From June 1,Cheap Jerseys, Clarence Burnette was confirmed as the Agriculture Manager of Skeldon Estate while Walter Persaud was appointed in the same position at Wales Estate.Rollingston Robinson, from June 1, was also appointed the Agriculture Manager (ag) of the LBI/Diamond Estates.Early last year, GuySuCo announced its ‘turnaround plan’, which was expected to bring widespread changes to an industry beset with low productivity and a major slash of over 30 per cent in the price by its main European market.Last year, to reduce losses, as complaints rose over high salaries and perks for the Corporation’s top brass,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, a new-look Board of Directors fired a number of top officials, including the Booker Tate Project Manager for the new multi-million Skeldon factory.GuySuCo says that it is working aggressively to put new lands to cultivation to ramp up production and mechanise a number of key areas. A sugar packaging facility, currently under construction, is expected to be completed this year also to introduce a number of value-added products.The Corporation has also sold off tracts of lands,Cheap NFL Jerseys, on East Bank Demerara area for housing schemes, and other properties, as it sought to tighten its operations.A senior GuySuCo official yesterday said that the changes were part of the ongoing review to “reshape the management to deal with the challenges facing the industry”.

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