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The 2011 General and Regional Elections may be over but a different kind of campaigning and voting is currently sweeping Guyana. And it is of a more sophisticated style.Contestants in the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T)’s Jingle and Song Competition,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, have been hitting the streets, sharing business cards and other flyers as time runs out for the Grand Finale for both the English and Bollywood segments. The idea is to rack up as many votes as possible in a last-ditch attempt to win the two cars up for grabs.“We have seen many sub-plots and twists and turns in the show this year…it is unbelievable how it has literally taken on a life of its own,” says GT&T’s Chief Executive Officer, Yog Mahadeo.Contestants of what has evolved into one of the most watched shows on television have also resorted to taking their campaigns to their workplaces, schools and even to pasting posters onto power poles in the communities.While three weeks ago, there were crowd favourites,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, the game has been thrown wide open with the contestants with the highest number of votes being the ones to hold onto keys to the Toyota Ists.Eleven contestants of the English segment are set to know their fate this Wednesday, December 21, when the Grand Finale of that segment is held at the National Cultural Centre.“GT&T is giving away several flat screen TVs, iPads, Blackberries, Cellink credit and other surprises for those attending that finale,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Mahadeo disclosed during an interview earlier last week.The communications company is contemplating even having hidden surprises under the seats.“But we have only limited seats because of the accommodation at the National Cultural Centre which can only hold 2,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,000 persons.”Persons attending the show and holding more than $1,000 in credit on their Cellink mobile can also win points to the Christmas home that GT&T is giving away.“We have had the best year for this competition since it started and we are hugely excited about the prospects of the winners. As you know, we introduced the Bollywood segment this year and that too has taken a life of its own. We will be closing voting for the English segment on Monday, December 19th at 22:00hrs.”The tallying of the votes is being handled by an independent auditor and after the close of votes,Wholesale Jerseys China, the results will be sealed until they are announced at the grand finale.“Not even GT&T will have an idea of the winner of this segment. So you can just imagine how anxious we are.”GT&T is not hiring any stars for the grand finale.“We have some exciting finalists in this competition and they will be performing live for the audience and Guyana. We expect the quality to be high as this will be the first time that the contestants are not being judged.”In the top 11, awaiting their fate, are Amanda Peters,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Brandon Harding, Calais Peterkin, Diana Chapman, Ernesta Nelson,Cheap China Jerseys, Esther Osbourne, Jenelle Pierre, Nia Allen, Nikeshia Alexander, Onika Joseph and Poonam Singh.Meanwhile, the telephone company has announced a surprise twist to the show, and it will be to delight of Berbicians.“We are taking the Bollywood Grand Finale to Berbice on January 6th. We have had huge support from that area for this segment and it is the least we can do for them. For that show, we are bringing Karma Band from Trinidad and Tobago to rock them.”That finale is to be held at the Albion Sports Ground, East Berbice, and like this week’s English segment, millions of dollars are to be given away.“We will be making more announcements shortly on that show,” Mahadeo revealed.The show has attracted hundreds of persons across the country hoping to have a shot at the car and lucrative deal with GT&T.

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