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發表於 2018-4-20 08:14:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Leonard GildarieAs local television and radio stations continue preparing to switch their systems to digital, consumers may have to start shopping smart for the next generation of televisions.The switching will more than likely leave TV watchers without their favourite channels unless their sets are digital. With not all flat-screen TVs imported being digital, shoppers will have to be more than wary of what they are purchasing.According to head of the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN), Michael Gordon,NFL Jerseys China, in all likelihood, smart TVs will be the way to go, as the older sets are fast becoming extinct.NCN’s Michael GordonDigitization was a main issue on the agenda of the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU) which recently had its Annual General Assembly in Guyana. The 30-plus member body would be more than worried about digitization. A June 2015 deadline has been set for the conversion, but the Caribbean region is far behind. Save for the Bahamas and a few others, member countries of CBU are largely lagging in making meaningful moves for the ‘digital switchover’, as it is known.The reasons are very simple. It will literally take tens of millions of dollars to change from the old analog system to digital. New antennas,Cheap NFL Jerseys, transmitters and receivers will all have to be changed. With Guyana boasting around 20 television stations using the analog systems, the worry has been increasing. The issue may mean a decision to move in a different direction to survive or close shop altogether.One local broadcaster has already said that an initial assessment has put costs to at least $15M. However, he was quick to point out that he is aware that one channel in the US had cost millions of dollars.According to Gordon,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, CBU is looking at 2020 as a more realistic date…a mere seven years away. “While some countries like the Bahamas have started the change, because of the socio-economic conditions facing a lot of the smaller countries,Cheap Jerseys From China, it will be a challenge for broadcasters.”With the switchover,China Jerseys For Sale, those old TVs that have the back protruding, will either have to use a converter or the owners will have to face the prospects of buying a new TV altogether.“The old TVs will become extinct… even the flat screens will be phased out for the smart TVs.”Consumers will have to ensure that any investments in new TV sets will go hand-in-hand with questions about specifications, especially about its readiness for digital broadcasting.With newer models now coming equipped with internet functions and ready for other options and costs in excess of $100,000 each in most cases, the decisions will have to cater for the long term. NCN is the only local broadcaster that is active in the CBU, which has been bringing awareness to the issue. Gordon sits as a director on the body.Another challenge confronting local broadcasters is the small advertising market that they have to compete in. There just is not enough money to go around warranting the kind of investment that will be needed.According to Gordon, one of the immediate benefits of digitization of broadcasting is that it will free up channels for other critical usage, such as in the security and health sectors. As a matter of fact, one channel can host four or five broadcasting stations, as the digital switch will allow more efficiency of the airwaves. In this particular scenario, bands are issued to the broadcasters.It will also effectively put to rest arguments that there are no more channels available for distribution.According to the CBU director, the time will come when broadcasters will have to choose whether to become a content provider or broadcaster. There may be well be scenarios where the smaller broadcasters will have to piggyback on infrastructure already set up by the bigger players.“NCN may very well say one day that we are investing in new infrastructure to reach across the country and we will only have a newscast. The smaller channels could very well end up using our systems… paying for use of the bands in order to survive. There will have to be decisions made in which direction to go to.”There will likely be less transmitting towers around the country also.Currently,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Gordon disclosed, Government is moving to establish a special body to look into the issue, with specific attention being paid to deadlines and the means of implementation.Regional broadcasters are also looking at the equipment available from Europe, China, Brazil and the US,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, to determine the cheapest and best options.While there is an inclination to establish a regional standard of broadcasting, ultimately because of costs, the decision on which to use may depend on the individual broadcasters in CBU. Already, NCN has started changing its systems to digital, including its transmitters. However, more work needs to be done.The switchover is also likely to impact radio stations. With a large number of the mainly Japanese-made cars sporting radios that are limited in receiving capacity and bandwidth, radio stations hoping to compete in the new dispensation will have to think about how to deal with that challenge, among other areas. The changes, too, will be similar to the TV stations.Digital broadcasters can provide more channels in the same space, provide high-definition television service, or provide other non-television services such as multimedia or interactivity.

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