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發表於 2018-4-20 15:22:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Tests later showed Brent to have a blood-alcohol level of 0.18 percent, more than twice the legal limit for drivers in Texas.
Brent crashed his Mercedes sedan on the way back from a nightclub. Brown was in the passenger's seat,Stitched Jerseys. Witnesses recalled seeing Brent trying to pull Brown from the wreckage of the vehicle.
OXNARD, Calif. (AP) — Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says former defensive tackle Josh Brent is out of rehabilitation and could have his future with the NFL resolved before the team leaves training camp in California in two weeks.
"He can be a great example," Jones said. "There's no place like the NFL to rehab your credibility or show that you are contrite. It's a great opportunity for him under the circumstances to have made the mistake that he made to do some real good, help a lot of people and basically leave a better taste in people's mouths about Josh Brent."
Brent had been a backup but was starting at the time of the fatal crash in the Dallas suburb of Irving.

Brown's mother, Stacey Jackson,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, testified she had forgiven Brent. Brent and Brown were college teammates at the University of Illinois and roommates in Texas, where Brown was a practice squad linebacker for the Cowboys.
"He has played at a level before that would help us, yes, and obviously we're trying to build this defensive line," Jones said. "I know that one thing for sure, he is contrite and I know he feels one of the best ways to pay his debt to what he feels to the family is to do what he does the best and that is be a football player."
Brent retired last year and will have to apply for reinstatement. He could face a suspension under the league's personal conduct policy.
Jones said Wednesday from training camp that Brent was released from rehab this week,Cheap Jerseys Online.
A spokeswoman for the Dallas County District Attorney's Office didn't return a message,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, and NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league had nothing new on Brent's case.
The 26-year-old Brent was convicted in January of intoxication manslaughter for the December 2012 crash that killed Jerry Brown, a Cowboys practice squad player. He was sentenced to 180 days in jail and 10 years' probation. He left jail last month and entered a rehab facility in Dallas.
The release from rehab came about the same time the Cowboys lost rookie defensive end DeMarcus Lawrence for at least two months with a broken right foot,China Jerseys Free Shipping. Dallas is revamping its defensive line after releasing franchise sacks leader DeMarcus Ware in March,Cheap Jerseys Online.

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