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NFL Jerseys Wholesale









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發表於 2018-4-20 15:24:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The five-year veteran got hurt while making a tackle during the second quarter of last week's win over New England.
Coach Mike McCarthy said that he would give Shields "every opportunity" to play against the Falcons. Shields was listed as questionable Saturday on the Packers' final injury report before the game.
Certainly, the Packers would like to have Shields available against an Atlanta offense that gained 500 yards against Arizona last week.
The Falcons' receiving group, featuring Julio Jones,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, might be bolstered if veteran Roddy White can return from an ankle injury. White,Cheap Jerseys 2018, who has 37 catches in his past five games, was listed as questionable after returning to practice as a limited participant Saturday.
Defensive tackle Mike Daniels (back), guards T.J. Lang (ankle) and Josh Sitton (toe) and outside linebacker Nick Perry (shoulder) are probable. Daniels, who is third on the team with four sacks, "is going to be full strength" for Monday,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, McCarthy said.

However,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, cornerback might be the Packers' deepest group, with Shields partnering with Tramon Williams as starters. Davon House and Casey Hayward are capable backups.
GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Sam Shields' availability for the Green Bay's game Monday night against the Atlanta Falcons is in question with the Packers cornerback yet to be cleared from a concussion.
Cornerbacks coach Joe Whitt said he makes sure to give all his top players ample snaps on the practice field, so it's not as if the Packers are rushing to get the reserves ready.
"You're either in the (concussion) protocol or you're not in the protocol,Cheap NFL jerseys China," McCarthy said. "Once the player comes out of that and he's cleared, then it becomes the decision of the coaching staff or in conversation with the player to see if he's ready to go."
"Those four guys get equal reps so the preparation hasn't been any different,Jerseys From China," Whitt said. "All four guys have been on every top receiver and played well. I like what we have."

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