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Employees can refuse work dangerous to their well-being. Added to this,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, it is illegal to employ a personChief Labour Officer,China Jerseys, Mr. Charles Ogleunder 15 years old. This is being emphasized by the Ministry of Social Protection.Speaking to Hoteliers and restaurateurs yesterday ,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Ms. Neza King, Senior Labour, Occupational Safety and Health Officer reminded employers to familiarise themselves with the existing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act which protects workers’ safety and empowers them to be informed about any “actual or potential dangers in the workplace.”Senior Labour Officer Mrs. Karen Vansluytman-Corbin, in her presentation, emphasized that no child under 15 can be legally employed.  Vansluytman-Corbin said the governing International Labour Organisation (ILO) stipulates that children should not be deprived of their childhood, their potential or their dignity.According to the ILO,NFL Jerseys China, child labour is harmful to children’s physical and mental development while at the same time it deprives them of having a good education.Child Labour must not to be confused with chores around the home done by children, the Social Protection officials emphasized.The seminar is a weekly exercise by the Labour, Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Ministry of Social Protection,China Jerseys For Sale, and is held at its Brickdam, Georgetown office.  This week hotels and restaurants were targeted.Chief Labour,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey UK, Occupational Safety and Health Officer, Mr. Charles Ogle, outlined the need for accurate record-keeping as it is stated in the law; proof of employment, payment, annual leave and other aspects of employment crucial for independent verification by the Ministry.Some of the participants at yesterday’s sensitization session.Ogle told participants that the minimum leave allowance is 12 days per year and overtime is calculated after eight hours of work in a day.  He stated that while the minimum wage in the public sector is $50,000 (US$250) per month, in the private sector it is $35,000 (US$175) per month.The role of the OSH Department is to conduct routine inspections in workplaces, including interior locations.  The department works along with the Probation and Child Care and Protection Departments within the Ministry of Social Protection.  It collaborates with the Ministry of Education, in conducting truancy campaigns.  The OSH department has also undertaken to conduct weekly training seminars to educate key stakeholders, parents, teachers, and peer counsellors etc. to educate on child labour.The 1997 OSH Act covers all aspects of work and health, and the Ministry of Social Protection has the authority to enforce the laws stipulated in the Act.  It includes all parties – employers,NFL Jerseys Cheap, employees and trade unions.Ms. King advised that each workplace should install a representative to supervise and maintain an occupational safety and health committee to ensure safety equipment, gear and environment is in place at their place of work.Occupational Safety and Health month is observed in April and the OSH department observes April 28 as Occupational Safety and Health Day. World Day Against Child Labour Day is observed on June 12.

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