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cheap nfl jerseys online at the Friendship Public Road









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發表於 2018-4-20 18:47:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 24-year-old father of three has been remanded to prison for causing the deaths of 70-year-old Noland D’Olivieira and his 60-year-old wife Lynette D’Olivieira.The couple died hours apart, after their motor cycle was hit by a taxi on the Friendship,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, East Bank Demerara Public Road on Saturday last. The Jehovah’s Witnesses were returning home from bible studyActing Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson yesterday read two separate counts of causing death by dangerous driving to Bahardo Parbattie,China Jerseys, also known Bahardo Yognauth, when he appeared before her at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.It is alleged that on August 28, at the Friendship Public Road, the accused drove his motor car in a dangerous manner, which resulted in the death of Noland D’Olivieira.A second charge read that Yognauth on the same day drove his motor car in a dangerous manner which resulted in the death of Lynette D’Olivieira.Both charges were indictable and he was not required to plea.His lawyer, Mohan Lall, in a bail application said that his client posed no flight risk,Wholesale Jerseys China, if bail is to be granted. He argued that the offence committed was an eminently bailable one,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, noting that his client has never been charged before.The prosecutor did not make any objections to bail, but asked for it to be substantial, due to the serious nature and prevalence of the offence.Bahardo’s lawyer interjected and opined that such statements need not be mentioned when bail is being sought by an accused.The prosecutor explained that on the day in question,Cheap Jerseys Store, at around 17:15 hrs, Bahardo was speeding along the Friendship Public Road,NFL Jerseys Outlet, when he lost control and slammed into the couple.He said that Lynette D’Olivieira was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Her husband Noland was rushed to the Georgetown Hospital, where he succumbed.The lawyer in rebuttal to the prosecutor’s disclosure said that he has several eyewitnesses who are willing to give statements supporting that his client was not responsible for the accident.Although the prosecution did not object to bail, the magistrate remanded the accused. He is scheduled to make his next court appearance on September 6.Lynette D’Oliveira according to hospital sources succumbed to massive head injuries, her leg was almost severed. Her husband also suffered head injuries along with internal injuries.

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