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Authentic NHL Jerseys









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發表於 2018-4-20 23:14:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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OXNARD, Calif. (AP) — Brandon Carr knows the pain of losing his mother will never go away completely.
"This is my safe haven, out on this field," Carr said. "When I get out here there isn't many distractions. I am in my comfort zone. It feels good to finally get back out on the field with these guys and get back to my routine."
"That is what my mom always preached to me," he said. "In the midst of adversity or anything going bad, make sure you stay taking care of your business and keep yourself ready to go. I have to fall back on that."
"It's great to have him back," coach Jason Garrett said. "He's been going through a very difficult time with his mom for a long time, and the last couple of weeks particularly have been really challenging."
Carr has started every game in the first six years of his career,wholesale nfl jerseys, and he figures to be out there in the opener Sept. 7 against San Francisco. But Dallas won't be rushing him back.
Carr missed the first 11 workouts and the preseason opener at San Diego on Thursday, a day after the funeral for 59-year-old Kathy Robinson Carr. She died July 30 in Carr's hometown of Flint,Wholesale Jerseys, Michigan. The service was a week later, and Carr was in California two days after that.
"It was emotionally draining," Carr said,Cheap China Jerseys, pausing to compose himself. "You don't really know the situation until you are in it. But you know it takes a toll on that person and the people around. But at the same time, you have to stay strong and keep the faith and continue to just be positive and move forward."
The Cowboys had to sign two defensive backs just to have enough players back there to get through the 27-7 loss to the Chargers. They've been depleted by the absence of Carr and injuries to several other cornerbacks, including former top-10 pick Morris Claiborne.
Football is the veteran Dallas cornerback's escape, and he was back on the field with the Cowboys on Saturday after missing the first two weeks of training camp to be with his mother in the final days of her long battle with breast cancer.
The Dallas secondary had to deal with a similar issue a year ago in camp when rookie J.J,NFL Jerseys Supply. Wilcox went home to be with his mother just days before she died.
For Carr, that means playing football.
NOTES: The Cowboys waived rookie running back Ben Malena after he strained his quadriceps against San Diego. He will go on injured reserve if he clears waivers. ... Dallas waived rookie punter Cody Mandell and signed rookie free agent RB D,Cheap Jerseys.J,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping. Adams of Portland State.
Carr said his teammates kept his spirits up with daily text messages, asking how he was doing, providing advice or cracking a joke.
"I have been training, but it's not the same intensity as being out here in training camp with these guys every single day," said Carr, in his third season with the Cowboys after signing as a free agent. "So we are going to play it smart, but at the same time get some quality reps in and push myself a little bit so I can be ready to go."

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