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NFL Jerseys China completion of works.









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發表於 2018-4-20 23:37:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Under the Ministry of Health bids were opened on Tuesday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB),Cheap NFL Jerseys, Ministry of Finance, Main Street, for the procurement of male condoms.BiddersAmount Ishmael Mohammed$24.3MI.P.A$27.3MNew GPC Inc$30MThe Agriculture Sector Development Unit (ASDU) received bids for the supply, delivery, installation and commission of lab furniture and cabinets for biological and tissue culture laboratories (completion of works.)BiddersAmount Scimed Service of TrinidadLots (1&2) US$484,Cheap NBA Store,305.42¢Meditron Scientific SalesLots (1&2)  $96.4MChuman Narine ConstructionLots (1&2)  $82MThe Community Road Improvement Programme (CRIP) which operates under the Ministry of Housing received bids for the rehabilitation of Samaroo Dam at Best Klien/ Pouderoyen Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC.)BiddersAmount Purans Brothers Service$44.6MH. Nauth & Sons Civil Engineering Contractors$39.7MDipcon Engineering Service Ltd$34.3MHandel Garnett Construction$35.7MMohamed Fawaz Bacchus Construction$46.8MBardon Construction Ltd$32.7MEngineers Estimate $36.4MThe Ministry of Labour Human Services and Social Security receive bids for the construction for extension of office building, phase one, Brickdam.Bidders Amount Project design and Construction Inc.$5.7MV.B New Approach$7.6MEngineers Estimate $5.9MThe National Park Commission received bids for the rehabilitation of sections of the main and internal road of the zoological park.BiddersAmount Andrew Howard Construction Service$7MEngineers Estimate $6.1MMeanwhile,NFL Jerseys Supply, the Ministry of Natural Resources received bids for the supply and delivery of one motor vehicle.BiddersAmount  Associated Industries Ltd$8MBeharry Automotive Ltd$8.3MFor the Supreme Court,Cheap Jerseys, bids were opened for the rehabilitation of juror’s room and Windows at Suddie Supreme Court, Region Two.BiddersAmount Satesh Narine$3.9MM. Sukhai contracting services$4.8MB. Singh and Sons Contracting Services$5.5MEngineers Estimate $5.9MBids were also opened for the rehabilitation of Vigilance Magistrate’s Court, Region Four.BiddersAmount Kevin Baron$3.8MVision General Construction Service$3.5MEngineers Estimate $4.9MBids were also opened for the sealing of courtrooms and installation of air conditioning units at Victoria Law Court,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Region Four.BiddersAmount Kevin Baron$9.6MVision General Construction$8.2MCummings Electrical Company Ltd$11.4MEstimated Cost $11.5MThe Ministry of Education received bids for the supply and delivery of equipment for Canegie School of Home Economics.BiddersAmount K.E Narine Construction and Supplies$6.8MThe Hardware Depot$4.6MGeneral distributors$4.7MChuman Narine Construction$9MOrkan Construction$10.5MStill within the education sector,NFL Jerseys Cheap, bids were also opened for supply and delivery of metal lathe and crank shaft grinder for the Essequibo Technical Institute.BidderAmount K.E Narine Construction and Supplies$7.8MThe Hardware Depot$4.3MGeneral distributors$5.9MChuman Narine Construction$12M

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