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發表於 2018-4-21 23:26:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– crew arrestedBy Zena HenryCollaboration between agencies’ involved in the country’s Container Control Programme resulted in the confiscation of 192 kilograms, 420 grams of cocaine destined for Europe.Some of the drugs unearthed from a container on the vesselAgents of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) intercepted a cargo ship, MV DELTADIEP, while at Linden in Region 10,Nike Roshe Run Women, and arrested several members of the crew. The illegal substance was brought to the city where it was weighed and valued.Head of CANU,Cheap Nike Shox, James Singh told media operatives yesterday that his agency was acting in support of the GRA’s container control programme.  The programme, he pointed out,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, involves several countries within the region. The units that make up the programme comprise members of CANU, GPF, and Customs officers of the GRA’s Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU). He said that “acting on information received from foreign counterparts, CANU provided assistance alongside, members of `the customs drug enforcement unit”.The MV DELTADIEPHe informed further, that the container holding the illicit item was on board a vessel that had come from Suriname.“A check of the vessel showed that this container had contraband inside; as such we offloaded the container, brought it to Georgetown where the examination was done.” The next destination for the cargo ship would have been Spain, Holland and Belgium.Kaieteur News understands that GRA would have received a tip-off from Suriname and after calling in the other agencies, the interception was made. The operation was conducted late Monday night, while the vessel was on the Demerara River.A public release from GRA said that the cocaine was unearthed onboard MV DELTADIEP,2018 Nike Air Max 97, a foreign vessel registered in Cyprus. “GRA officials acted on intelligence provided by the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC), that one of the containers on board the vessel had cocaine. The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit was called in, and together with officers of Guyana Revenue Authority’s (GRA’s) Law Enforcement and Investigation Division (LEID) and Drug Examination Unit (DEU) conducted an examination of the container.The ship’s crew has been detained for questioningThe contraband was concealed in a flat rack which was on board the vessel which arrived in Guyana from Suriname with eleven crew members.“The ship left the Netherlands via Paramaribo, Suriname,2018 Nike Air Max 90 Essential, then proceeded to Guyana to load bauxite and was supposed to proceed to Spain.”The GRA said that “the discovery of narcotics onboard the ocean-going vessel, has once again proven the success of the GRA’s joint efforts in tackling the illicit drug trade. The GRA has long recognized the importance of forging regional and international linkages in the ongoing efforts at addressing challenges of a global magnitude such as drug trafficking and the smuggling of goods. The partnership has been successful on several fronts.”GRA added that in 2012 Guyana and Suriname joined the Container Control Programme to improve port security and stop the use of containers for transnational criminal activities including the trafficking of narcotics.“A memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, paved the way for the establishment of joint port control units in Guyana and Suriname at John Fernandes and Nieuwe Haven respectively. It allowed both countries to strengthen the control of inbound and outgoing containers, improve real time exchange and analysis of information among other advantages.”In another drug-related matter,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, a 20-year-old Jamaica-born US-citizen was also detained on Monday night when he attempted to smuggle over one kilogram of cocaine through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The contraband was stashed in body cream and a pair of socks rolled up in his suitcase.The man was about to board a flight to Canada when the drugs were discovered. Authorities say that the man has been cooperating with ranks. He allegedly told them that it was not his first trip to Guyana. The drugs he said was a “little hustle.” The young man is currently in police custody and is expected for court shortly.

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