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發表於 2018-4-22 02:34:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Rehana Ashley AhamadAlthough my colleagues at Kaieteur News taunt me for frying eggs mixed with casareep, I maintain that I am a good cook, even though my cooking almost spoiled my family’s Christmas one year.Unknown to my parents, I began cooking at the age of nine. I had an intense interest in the culinary arts and I experimented with everything, as do the greatest chefs of the world; so there’s no shame there.I will be the first to admit that some of my  attempts were not as tasty or good looking as others, but over the years, I am proud to have learnt the DOs and DON’Ts of cooking through practice. Now I can say for sure that curried, fried eggs would never again be on a menu prepared by me; ever!But please note that it wasn’t the actual taste of the meal that almost spoilt my family’s Christmas that year. It was the very frightening thing that happened while I was preparing my famous fried chicken that caused panic and almost ruined the remainder of the season.Before the birth of my now three-year-old brother, ours was a family of five residing at Lot 70 Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara.Although shy in school,Cheap Air Max 97 Trainers, I had a habit of being extremely audacious around my relatives and friends. So as the Christmas season of 2009 rapidly approached, I forcefully volunteered to prepare the highlight of our Christmas meal- the fried chicken.My parents were skeptical, despite knowing that I was adept at preparing some massively delicious curries and stews. Their insistence that I should not cook made me even more determined. My argument was so convincing that I think the family had the expectation of a meal which would be on par with those prepared by world-class chefs in five star restaurants.Nonetheless, I started preparations the day before Christmas Eve, allowing the chicken to marinate in my special well seasoned homemade sauce. It had an alluring aroma that succeeded in boosting my confidence level.As is customary, we awoke early on that much anticipated day. The family surrounded our Christmas tree and opened gifts. It was all smiles,NCAA Football Jerseys, and everyone’s face was beaming with joy.Our breakfast usually consist of sponge-cake and coca-cola. After this, we make the final decision on what the lunch menu would be. The fried chicken is usually the only thing that we are certain would be cooked on that day; the other dishes would depend on what we felt like having.As is customary, a number of relatives gathered at our house, expecting to have a scrumptious meal and celebratory drinks.As everyone bonded in the upper flat of our two-storey home, mommy insisted that I fry the chicken in the smaller kitchen in the bottom-flat, while she prepared the rest of the meal in the one upstairs.“Meh got to use the gas stove to bake some more cake Ash (as I’m fondly referred to), so you should fry the chicken in the downstairs kitchen on the kero stove,” mommy said.I agreed, and surrounded by some cousins who were chatting and laughing in the hammocks outside the kitchen, I began cooking.Everything was falling into place; the batter was perfect, the chicken looked crispy and golden brown, and oh my God, the smell was appetizing. After sneaking a taste, I was grinning with pride- my chicken tasted awesome! All it needed was a tag bearing the ‘Royal Castle Chicken’ sign.I was ready to go upstairs and announce “lunch is served,” but before I did, with the help of my cousins, I decided to clean up the mess that was left behind.As they proceeded upstairs with some of the chicken, I stayed behind to collect the remaining platter, but as I was walking out,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, I noticed that the kerosene stove was still alight.I tried to put out the fire by slapping it repeatedly with a wet cloth.Then suddenly, I heard a crashing sound and the whole kitchen went up in flames. The curtains and Christmas wreaths disappeared within seconds,Undefeated Air Max 97 White, and the heat began to hurt my skin.I just stood there, incapable of moving or screaming for help. Soon enough I was blinded by the smoke and everything went black.Before the fire could touch me, I felt a hand grab my hand,Wholesale Air Max Tn, dragging me out of the burning kitchen. It was daddy, my saviour.After handing me over to mommy, daddy, with the assistance of visiting relatives started to put out the fire.I remembered mommy hugging me and crying, while one of my very drunk uncles grabbed his bags and ran out of the yard, screaming “meh nah want dead, meh nah want dead,Air Max 97 Undefeated Uk, ayuh try deh.” Although the situation was serious, I had to laugh.My uncle only came back in the house after the fire was extinguished.My cooking caused an accident which could have not only spoilt Christmas that year, but could have also ruined the following years’.We managed to clean up what was left of the kitchen, after which we had lunch; one which everybody praised. My chicken became popular among those who were privileged enough to partake.Almost burning the house down was bad, but I shudder to think what would have been the reaction had I spoilt the chicken.That Christmas is surely one to remember, and I am extremely grateful that it didn’t end in tragedy.For me, that incident holds a hidden message; life is all about ups and downs and no matter how down we are or how much chicken we burn,Nike Roshe Run Online Shop, there is always something to be thankful for. Count your blessings, and you’d be surprised how much there is to be thankful for; like life, family and friends.We have since moved from that location to the rapidly growing Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara Housing Scheme, and five years later, this Christmas is shaping up to be the best I ever had.However mommy now cooks the Christmas chicken, because apart from mine, hers is the best!From my new kitchen to yours, Merry Christmas!

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