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發表於 2018-4-22 04:04:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Buffalo has won four of the past five games between the division rivals,Air Max 90 Black And White Womens, including a 29-10 at Ralph Wilson Stadium in Week 2. Tannehill said he's tired of losing to the Bills.
"We've got to line up Thursday anyway, man, so whatever you say it is what is," said Wallace,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, who leads the Dolphins with 40 receptions for 519 yards and six touchdowns. "We'll be out there on Thursday night. I ain't got no time for that. ... We're not worried about that, man. That's lightweight. We're not worried about that."
"You don't want to hear that," Satele said. "I don't get too much into it but if a defensive tackle said that I wouldn't like that at all, so it's a challenge and I think Mike Wallace and Brian (Hartline) and (Jarvis Landry) and Rishard (Matthews), they're up for it. I can't wait to watch that matchup."
Wide receiver Mike Wallace cracked a smile and acknowledged that he heard about the comments.
But when he was asked to rate the Bills secondary,Cheap Nike Air Max Wholesale, Wallace kept the compliments to a minimum.
"We didn't put it up on the board or anything but we're aware of what's been said," Tannehill said. "It's just a matter of going out and playing well. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you say during the week, it matters how you play in this case on Thursday."
"They're all right,Cheap Air Max 95," he said. "They're cool. They've got some fast guys, physical safeties but we'll be all right."

And center Samson Satele hinted that McKelvin's words probably got Wallace and the other receivers "more geeked up,Adidas Nmd Pink Shoes."
DAVIE, Fla. (AP) — The Miami Dolphins are taking the high road following comments by Buffalo cornerback Leodis McKelvin, who says he is certain the Bills will win when the teams play Thursday night.
Some of Miami's players said they were unaware when asked about McKelvin's comments that he "ain't going to lose no sleep, man. I'm just going to take (myself) home, put myself to sleep and get ready to play the Dolphins and beat (them),Cheap Air Force 1, point blank, period."
Quarterback Ryan Tannehill was aware of what McKelvin said, but insisted he didn't see a need to trade words through the media.

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