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發表於 2018-4-22 08:45:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Romo has fractures in two small bones in his back. The injury is unrelated to a herniated disk last year or to offseason surgery to remove a cyst earlier in 2013.
Garrett,Air Max 97 Buy Online, however,Cheap Air Max Shoes With Free Shipping, still hasn't made a decision on who will start on Sunday.
The Cowboys (6-3) play the Jacksonville Jaguars (1-8) at Wembley Stadium on Sunday in the last of three regular-season games in London this year. They have lost their last two games, however, with backup Brandon Weeden playing last weekend.
The quarterback said Thursday he was still a little sore, but called it "normal stuff," and said his back loosened up during practice.
The Cowboys have played overseas nine times in their history, including twice in London. But this is the first time they'll be playing a regular-season game outside the United States.
"We're going to go to the Tower of London and see the Crown Jewels,Cheap Nike Air Max 1," Garrett said, "and I think the players are excited to do it."
Dallas plans to do a little of both on Friday.
Most of the teams that have made the journey to London over the years have praised the team-building aspect of such a long trip to a foreign country, and some have taken the time to catch some of the local sights.
LONDON (AP) — Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo practiced Friday for the second straight day in an attempt to be ready for Sunday's game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
"We'll take today, we'll see how he feels after yesterday's work," Garrett said,Cheap Nike Air Max Wholesale, "and hopefully he can practice the way we need him to practice today and just take it right up until game time."
Romo, who injured his back for the third time in the last 18 months nearly two weeks ago,Adidas Superstar Shoes On Sale, sat out last week's loss to the Arizona Cardinals and skipped the team's first practice in London on Wednesday. But he participated in drills on Thursday and again on Friday.
"He looked pretty comfortable to me," Cowboys coach Jason Garrett, who spoke before Friday's practice, said of Thursday's session. "Clearly,Adidas Shoes On Sale Clearance, he wanted to get the blood flowing through his body and get his movement back both in the pocket and also throwing the football, and he had a pretty good day yesterday."

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