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Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale East Coast Demerara









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發表於 2018-4-22 16:21:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Speeding on the roadways may have been the cause of the fourth reported road death over the weekend.Dead: 30-year-old Abdul AbrahimThe latest fatality is 30 year-old Abdul Zameer Abrahim of Success,Air Max 97 White, East Coast Demerara,Air Max 97 Undefeated Black, who was killed almost instantly on the La Bonne Intention (LBI) Railway Embankment at around 20:45 hours on Saturday.Police said in a statement yesterday said that the driver of motor vehicle PDD 4223 was proceeding along the roadway when it is alleged that Abdool Abrahim attempted to cross the road and was struck down.The police added that the driver of the motor vehicle was found to be over the legal limit in terms of the consumption of alcohol and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.The dead man’s uncle, Reejha Ram, told this publication that they were at home on Saturday evening when they received a telephone call from a neighbour who informed them that Abrahim was involved in an accident.“When we get the call, we hear that he deh lay down on the road, so we send one of his aunty with a car and we tell she carry he to the hospital.”However,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, by the time relatives arrived at the scene they were informed that the man was already dead and arrangements were being made to take him to the mortuary.The dead man’s relatives said that persons who raced to the scene immediately after the accident told them that when they checked to see if he was breathing,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black, there was no sign of life.“A lady say as soon as she hear the impact and she see the vehicle stop she run to the man and feel he pulse and she ain’t feel nothing,Air Max 95 Sale, he didn’t even breathing.”“When we reach, we see he slipper and he hat deh right way he get hit from, and he body deh far away. The police were right on the spot to do a breathalyzer test on the driver of the vehicle and they tell he that he alcohol level was above the legal limit,” Ram related.Ram explained that his nephew was tossed some 40 feet away from the original point of impact, which suggested that the vehicle was driving at a very fast rate.Ram told his publication that his nephew worked as a joiner in Chateau Margot and was on his way home from work when the accident occurred.“From what we hear,Cheap Adidas Superstar, he left work and he was walking coming home when this 4×4 Surf hit he and kill he almost instantly.”Abrahim only got married in April of this year.Abrahim’s death came mere hours after an accident on the East Bank of Demerara claimed the lives of three persons.At around mid morning on Saturday, Amanda Deonarine, her mother Indira Narine and her stepfather Suresh Narine were killed in a two vehicle smash up.

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