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Nike Huarache Shoes For Sale during which Canada’s High Commissioner to Guyana









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發表於 2018-4-22 21:40:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Tusika Martin The Canadian International Development Agency yesterday hosted a ‘Corporate Governance’ seminar, during which Canada’s High Commissioner to Guyana, Charles Court, used the opportunity again to reassure Guyanese that that country is in no way trying or attempting to distance itself from support to Guyana.During his opening remarks to some of the country’s preferred businesses both in the public and private sector, the High Commissioner said rumours of Canada’s departure is ‘grossly exaggerated.’He pointed out that Canada will continue to be active in Guyana, exploring ways to promote the country’s economy, its social sector and add to the benefit of the local population.The seminar was hosted to discuss the importance of corporate governance in private and public enterprises.Under the theme, ‘Towards Transparency and Accountability,’ participants discussed issues relating to the Evolution of Corporate Governance, Irresistible Case for Corporate Governance, Legal Framework and Institution Governing listed Companies in Guyana among other subjects.Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Jennifer Webster during the opening ceremony, said that the seminar can be considered most opportune, since it allows both the Private and Public sectors to come together to examine Guyana’s positions, in the face of the global economic downturn.More important, she added, the seminar provides the opportunity for the business community to identify ways and means to improve and promote corporate best practices, locally,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, and regionally as part of CARICOM.Much work has begun in the area of corporate governance in the region, she added.“Some countries are at different stages of developing and finalising their Corporate Governance Initiatives and Guyana’s Draft Code are still to be finalised.”It is in this context,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit, she said, that the Canadian International Development Agency’s (CIDA) Regional Programming Strategy has identified the region’s socio-political environment as one of its weaknesses since it “threatens the region’s governance capability to keep pace of emerging challenges marked by a lack of public sector accountability and broad-based citizen participation.”The Strategy also pointed out that the efficiency and effectiveness of legal and justice systems are inadequate while civil society organizations are weak in terms of policy-making inputs or service delivery.In light of this analysis,Off White Vapormax For Sale, Webster told the gathering,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, it is imperative that the business sector, thoroughly examine Guyana weaknesses in the face of the current economic situation that threatens Guyana’s socio-economic stability, security and the achievements to date.“We must consolidate our efforts to create synergies that will combat the negative impact of the existing crisis, whilst making timely use of the opportunities that present themselves.”This, she added,Nike Air Max 95, could only be realised through meaningful and aggressive cooperation at the local and regional levels with all the relevant stakeholders and the support of development partners.Guyana,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale, the junior Finance Minister said, welcomes CIDA’s support in providing guidance in the area of Corporate Governance.There is a high level of confidence associated with a country, which is known to have institutionalized good corporate governance.Good corporate governance, she added, is one of the criteria that foreign investors increasingly depend upon when taking the decision whether to invest or not.Having a clean image induced by sound corporate governance practices makes it easier for companies to source capital at reasonable costs, the Minister added.“These growing trends therefore, indicate the need for Guyana to improve on the efforts made to date in this area by forging ahead to adopt the corporate governance practices that are best suited to our environment.”The seminar was facilitated by David Simpson, Principal of Inter Praxis, a Canadian owned socio-economic consulting firm specializing in sustainability advisory and assurance services.Simpson is also a former Executive Director of the Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy, and has carried out both national and international engagements on the subject of corporate responsibility and sustainability.

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