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Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Mens









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發表於 2018-4-23 00:59:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The injuries had fantasy owners desperately running triage to field any sort of replacements in their MASH-unit lineups. That meant pulling the trigger on no-name, waiver-wire pickups like Knile Davis, Matt Asiata, Jerick McKinnon and Bobby Rainey and praying they pan out. (And for what it's worth, Davis and Rainey are must-owns if they happen to still be available in your leagues).

But where to go from here?
WEEK TWO LEFTOVERS: Lost in all the injuries to marquee players were the health issues suffered by Mark Ingram and Knowshon Moreno,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, who were off to hot starts for the Saints and Dolphins. Well,Air Max 97 Undefeated Uk, they are now out for at least a month each, meaning Khiry Robinson is a must-have for New Orleans. He played well during New Orleans' playoff run last season, earning the praise of coaching legend Bill Parcells,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes, who compared him to a young Curtis Martin. Mighty praise from the Big Tuna. The Moreno injury gives more opportunities to Lamar Miller, but buyer beware. Miller's track record has been pretty poor over the last year.
It's clear that the turmoil will not ease. The new normal in the NFL includes injuries,Buy Air Max 95, roster turnover and suspensions, so owners need to hold on for their dear lives and be more active — and proactive — on the waiver wire than ever.
The second week of the NFL season was downright diabolical to fantasy owners who saw a wave of injuries and suspensions gut their rosters.
The good news is that some of this can be foreseen. Warning signs existed in the cases of Charles, Martin and Green,Nike Air Max 95 For Sale, and players like Matthews and Griffin have always been injury-prone. So as the next week approaches, here are some tips to help you get ahead of the curve during the next injury bug.
Adrian Peterson was deactivated, Jamal Charles went down on his second carry with an ankle injury,Cheap Air Max 95, and A.J. Green exited the game with a foot injury without recording a single catch. Doug Martin and Carson Palmer were late scratches, and Ryan Matthews and Robert Griffin III were carted off the field with injuries that will cost them each several weeks. Brandon Marshall and Alshon Jeffery were hobbled to the point that it was pure guesswork by lineup deadlines as to whether they would play or be effective on Sunday night.

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