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發表於 2018-4-23 08:01:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“We want to see a nation where everyone is treated equally and given equal opportunities… we know this is not possible without a transformation,” Dr SomarSpeaking on behalf of supporters of the Alliance for Change in the Diaspora, Executive member Dr Rohan Somar,Buy Air Max 1, during the launch of the party’s election campaign,Nike Shox Clearance, said that Guyanese living overseas want to return home.He said that the AFC has supporters as far as Malaysia and many of them have amassed wealth and would like to return to their homeland but are afraid given the high level of crime and bureaucratic red tape associated with investing in Guyana.Dr Somar told the gathering that they must not be fooled into thinking that they are living in a bed of roses overseas, given that at the end of the day they are immigrants and are treated as such.“We are all displaced Guyanese…we want to come back,” Dr Somar said.He said that they want to come back to a country where they can feel safe and not be gunned down within hours of their return as was the case, recently.Dr Somar said that Guyanese overseas would like to know that when they repatriate that they can depend on the health system and have their children be educated in a system that is on par and can allow them to compete on the global stage.“We want to see a nation where everyone is treated equally and given equal opportunities…we know this is not possible without a transformation.”He challenged the supporters gathered at the launch to stand up for their rights and make the right turn for Guyana.The AFC in its Action Plan for Guyana says that the country can only develop with a good supply of skilled and talented workers and entrepreneurs.As such,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, the part says that once in Office they intend to conduct a global survey in the Diaspora to determine their skills, talent and investment potential and their requirements for investing in Guyana.Their action plan states that they will provide a healthy investment climate for the Diaspora by addressing crime,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, taxes, corruption, health,Undefeated Air Max 97 For Sale, government support and social infrastructure.The Alliance for Change is also seeking to promote Diasporal representation in the NationalAssembly and explore the reintroduction of Diasporal voting at General Elections.The party will develop the Diaspora exchange programme which would entail importing skilled members of the Diaspora on a contractual basis to transfer knowledge and talent to the local population.“The AFC will pay competitive salaries to Guyanese scientists, researchers,Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale, teachers, professors,Air Max 97 For Sale Cheap, engineers, doctors and other professionals who are willing to return to Guyana to serve on a short-term or permanent basis to do work relevant to Guyana’s development.”The party says that it will establish a true one-stop investment agency that will proactively identify investment projects and seek out potential investors in the Diaspora.The AFC intends to mobilise Diaspora investors and medical practitioners to upgrade the health services sector to make re-migration more attractive.The party will also set aside land for the development of retirement neighbourhoods at competitive prices.

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