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發表於 2018-4-23 16:53:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A father of one died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) yesterday,Nike Air Max 97 Australia, after he was beaten unconscious by two brothers, when he tried to settle an ongoing dispute between the suspects and his nephews.Dead: Dennis MartinThe incident occurred around 18:10 hrs on Tuesday at Farm, West Coast Demerara.Dennis Martin, 36, of Lot 5 Public Road, Farm, WCD, was pronounced dead around 14:20 hrs.He had been clinging to life on a life support machine in the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit.The suspects,Air Max 98 Sale, who are from the same village as Martin and are known to his relatives, are on the run.According to information received,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes, the suspects and Martin’s nephews had an altercation twice during which the nephews were wounded by the two brothers.Tuesday night, while on his way to the shop, Martin saw one of the suspects and confronted him. During the confrontation he was brutally attacked by both brothers.Martin, who works as a cook in the interior, was first taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital after which he was transferred to the GPHC where he later succumbed.At the hospital yesterday, a relative of the dead man,Nike Roshe Run Sale Outlet, Melvorn Drakes, said that he and a cousin were sitting on a parked Canter truck along with one of the suspects when his uncle approached them.“(Martin) went to him (suspect) and tell (the suspect) that he hear that he violating his nephews and that it is the second time he violating them. The suspect then jump off the canter and start pushing up his finger in my uncle face,” Drakes said.He further revealed that the suspect pushed his uncle after which Martin “chuck him back.”“The two of them start to cuss out and then his brother (the second suspect) came out from his yard with a piece of wood and hit my uncle on his head from behind.”Kaieteur News was told that the father of one collapsed on the roadway.“He (Martin) fall down and they keep on beating he with two pieces of wood. They beat he in he head, back, hand and everywhere else,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Sale,” Drakes recalled.He said that when the brothers finished with his uncle, he was unconscious and covered in blood.The dead man’s wife,Discount Nike Air Force One Shoes, Nykedia,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, said that she and her husband left home together Tuesday night to go to the shop.“He left me in the shop and he said that he going to buy cheese at another shop. A while later I hear about a fighting up the road and when I go, the road was already clear so I went by his (Martin’s) sister and asked her what happened.”She said that it was at this point she was informed that it was her husband who had been beaten and that he was taken to the hospital.“When I go to the hospital, the doctor said that he was very low and that if they take him off the ventilator, he will die,” Nykedia explained.Marin leaves to mourn a daughter, wife and siblings.

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