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發表於 2018-4-23 23:50:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba on Thursday warned staffers of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) to carry out their functions effectively and within the confines of the law or risk being fired.Sooba, at a press briefing, said that the staffers of M&CC are not doing all in their power to effectively carry out their duties, while taking note and agreeing that there are hindrances in their ability to function.She said staffers will have to function or leave, “because there are other persons who want work.” The Town Clerk was at the time talking about the various departments where she said persons “were not performing the task for which they are paid for.”She spoke extensively about the current garbage situation in the city and cited several reasons for the current state of affairs. One reason she said was the decision by the Mayor to allow for “illegal vending on street corners and roadways,” and another being the disregard by the electorate of the Council to abide by the law.Sooba said that the City Engineer’s office, Solid Waste Department, City Constabulary office and other departments have not been performing to standard.  This has been contributing to the poor performance by the M&CC.Sooba also noted that she would be doing everything in her power to clamp down on indiscriminate dumping, but especially stressed on the vending situation which in her view has contributed immensely to the current garbage situation.Sooba said that the position taken by the Council some years ago to allow persons to vend on the street corners with the payment of a small fee has to some extent been the source of the garbage problem and has further contributed to the deterioration of the city.Sooba said that former Chancellor Desiree Bernard had ruled that there should be no vending on the streets. She added that Justice Bernard had mentioned that the whole of the M&CC should be jailed for allowing the vending situation to escalate.Despite this,Cheap Nike Shox, she said, the Mayor has allowed vending to continue in the city. But Sooba is adamant that she will see to it that vendors are removed, citing the wanton building of illegal structures and indiscriminate vending.When asked about the socio-economic situation that has caused the Mayor to allow these persons on the street, Sooba said that wanting to ensure a livelihood does not mean that persons could break the law or have the right to do so.Mayor Hamilton Green said that the vending situation is more than the Town Clerk who is in his view speaking out of an abundance of ignorance.Green said that there are several serious issues surrounding the current garbage situation. Before highlighting those issues, Green reiterated that persons have to live; many of the vendors on the streets are single parents.He highlighted that when these persons are taken off the street there is nowhere to put them.He continued that numerous moves have been made by the Council to have the government rectify the vending issue. One of these, he said, was a letter that was written to the Local Government Minister requesting that he ask his colleagues at the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) to sell no more state land without considering the allocation of a place in the City where the vendors could ply their trade.On that matter Green said that one would have to know how vending came about to understand the issue. He however said that apart from the Council being financially unable to deal efficiently with the garbage situation, there needs to be total re-education towards the garbage matter.He continued that since the removal of the dump site at Le Repentir Cemetery, the garbage situation has worsened. Haags Bosch, he noted, is some eight miles away.He said unlike Le Repentir site which operated round the clock, the Haags Bosch site is closed at certain times. This means that a businessman wanting to dispose of his waste after closing time in the evening would have nowhere to dump his trash and thus do the unthinkable.Green said that until an alternative is found for the vendors the garbage situation will exist.

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