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發表於 2018-4-24 18:31:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Seattle's staff feels that Williams can become an even better player when coached on their style and techniques,China NFL Jerseys. Williams acknowledges he has areas where he needs to improve,CHeap NFL Jerseys China.
RENTON,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Wash. (AP) — Cornerback Cary Williams doesn't want to be handed a starting job with the Seattle Seahawks.
"My pressing technique isn't necessarily perfect," Williams said. "At times I do have a false step and things like that but I think that with the coaches there we can improve on some things. I just want to be a sponge, man,Cheap Jerseys From China, and learn and soak in as much as I possibly can, build camaraderie with the guys, man, and just come in and work hard and earn everything that's been put in front of me."
The 6-foot-1 Williams fits the mold of what Seattle looks for in cornerbacks: big,Cheap China Jerseys, tough,Cheap Jerseys Store, physical players that are effective in pressing receivers at the line of scrimmage.
The newest member of Seattle's "Legion of Boom" secondary, Williams signed a three-year deal worth up to $18 million with the Seahawks last week to replace Byron Maxwell at right cornerback. While in all likelihood the starting job will be his in the fall, Williams was adamant Tuesday that he wants to earn the right to start.
Williams chose Seattle after also visiting the New York Jets and Tennessee Titans. Ultimately, he said the vibe and reception he received from the Seahawks made him believe it was the right place for him.
"They told me clearly from the beginning it's one mission, it's one mindset," Williams said. "It's one goal in mind and I understand that. I feel like that's why I'm here. I want to accomplish that mission."
Led by a star secondary, the Seahawks defense has been the best in football the last two seasons, which have included a Super Bowl title and a second appearance in the championship game. Williams said he's spoken with stars Richard Sherman and Kam Chancellor already and the expectations in Seattle were made readily apparent.

"I think everybody was genuine," Williams said.
Williams started every game the past four seasons, two of those with Philadelphia and two with Baltimore, where he won a Super Bowl. Last season he had 59 tackles, nine passes defensed and two interceptions for the Eagles. Williams has nine interceptions over the past three seasons.
"I don't look at this as an opportunity for me to be handed anything," Williams said from Nashville in a conference call with reporters. "I just want to work my tail off, work as hard as I possibly can, earn a position."

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