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Authentic MLB Jerseys Online they will be immunised.In essence









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As part of its expanded immunisation programme, Guyana has teamed up with neighbouring country Brazil to ensure that citizens of both countries are protected against vaccine preventable diseases.Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy said that while other countries of the Region of the Americas have embarked on similar vaccination programmes, the Guyana/Brazil union is based on the recognition that a number of Brazilians are visiting Guyana and staying for considerable periods of time while others have taken up residence here.In like manner, he said that it has been observed that Guyanese are also dwelling in Brazil in their numbers.The connection,Wholesale Jerseys Online, according to the Minister, is so intense that there are frequent activities between the two countries which range from a visit to massive business transactions between entrepreneurs.“We want to ensure that every Brazilian that comes to Guyana is protected against the vaccine preventable diseases and vice versa,wholesale soccer jerseys,” he disclosed.As such he disclosed that the two countries are working together so that whenever persons are identified, regardless of which country they come from,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, they will be immunised.In essence, the Minister said that the programme will be characteristic of a Guyanese in Brazil being able to benefit from vaccines through the Brazilian Health Ministry and Brazilians in Guyana gaining similar treatment.“So there is a campaign going on now to have Brazilians in Guyana and Guyanese in Brazil who have not yet been vaccinated to get their vaccines and so particularly the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccines are the ones that we are focusing on specifically…,” he said.Additionally, Minister Ramsammy disclosed that the two countries are working closely at the borders, highlighting that vector control in Lethem has been aided significantly through the Vector Control Department in the State of Roraima.This collaboration, he said, has seen a number of vector control workers from Brazil coming over to assist local staffers in Region Nine in controlling the vector situation there.Other kinds of assistance,NFL Jerseys China, Minister Ramsammy revealed, are also being obtained from Brazil.He pointed out that as part of Guyana’s public health agency, partnerships are being engaged to establish a poisons laboratory.And since Guyana has been able to collaborate with Brazil, the Minister said that the National Blood Transfusion Service has been able to include a chagas blood screening programme.Chagas disease (also called American trypanosomiasis) is a tropical parasitic disease caused by the flagellate protozoan called Trypanosoma cruzi. This protozoan is commonly transmitted to humans and other mammals by an insect vector, the blood-sucking assassin bugs of a subfamily Triatominae.  The disease may also be spread through blood transfusion, ingestion of food contaminated with parasites, and from a mother to her fetus.Reports are that the symptoms of the chagas disease vary over the course of an infection. In the early, acute stage, symptoms are mild and usually produce no more than local swelling at the site of infection. As the disease progresses over the course of many years, serious chronic symptoms can appear,Wholesale Jerseys, such as heart disease and malformation of the intestines. If untreated, the chronic disease is often fatal.In order to prevent such health problems,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the Minister said that “Brazil is helping us to develop the protocols for chagas scre

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