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發表於 2018-4-26 03:46:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Executed businessman Errol Butcher’s son, Jason Abdulla,Jerseys NFL China, yesterday continued  to be cross examined by Attorney at Law Nigel Hughes. However Abdulla complained that he could not remember much since he was involved in an accident and was having difficulty with his “memory”.Former President Bharrat Jagdeo has filed the motion against Kissoon, Kaieteur News’s Editor Adam Harris and the newspaper’s Publisher,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, Glenn Lall, seeking $10 million in damages. The former President in his statement of claim said that the article ‘King Kong sent his goons to disrupt the Conference’ libeled him. The matter is being heard before Justice Brassington Reynolds.The witness was questioned about several articles published by Freddie Kissoon. Hughes asked Abdulla if he ever read the book King Kong. The witness replied in the negative but said that he saw movies about the subject. Hughes then requested the witness to identify three attributes of “King Kong”. Abdulla said that his recollection of the movies is not there,Cheap NFL jerseys China, because it was such a long time ago.He was the asked if it would be correct to say that he could not remember the attributes at this moment. The witness was then asked whether from his recollection if “King Kong” a hero or villain.It was at this point that the witness said that since his last appearance in court,Wholesale China Jerseys, he was involved in an accident and was having problems with his memory. “I remember sometimes and other times I can’t remember” Abdulla told the court. According to the witness he fell on the stairs in his house.The lawyer continued to question the witness about Kissoon’s articles which mention the word “King Kong,NFL Jerseys From China, Dictator”. In a majority of the articles the witness could not properly determine the meanings of several words used. There was an objection by the Plaintiff’s lawyer, Sase Gunraj, who said that the witness was being asked questions he had answered before.However Justice Reynolds overruled the objection and stated that the witness was being tested. The witness was asked whether he understood the articles written by Kissoon about the Irfaan Ali controversy and the Nigel Hughes incident. According to the witness he wasn’t sure about the Housing Minister’s matter but that the Nigel Hughes incident had something to do with statements made by the former president.At this point Hughes attempted to show the witness an article which was published in Kaieteur News regarding the same incident. However Gunraj objected.  According to Gunraj the court needed to see the original source of the document. Hughes said that there was no problem with getting the original document. The matter was adjourned for July 5.Abdulla on the last occasion denied allegations that he was part of a group behind the “liveinguyana.blogspot”. Abdulla claimed to be employed by the Government of Guyana and would normally report to Neaz Subban,Baker Mayfield Jersey, Kwame McKoy,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee and Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon.

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