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[遊戲] Wholesale NHL Jerseys China 5tjsgivu









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發表於 2017-1-4 07:50:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Relatives of the three firemen attached to the Corriverton fire station, who were seriously injured when their truck turned turtle on the Corentyne Public Road a week ago are not pleased.They say that the men are receiving substandard treatment at the New Amsterdam Hospital.The men, leading Fireman Anthony Gray, 37, of Number 51 Village, Corentyne,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys, who was also the driver of the truck; Fireman Jimmy Noble, 30, of Line Path, Skeldon, Corentyne and Fireman Junior Carter, 27,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, of Fort Ordnance, East Canje, were seriously injured in the accident.Their relatives have become worried that their love ones are being neglected.The relatives who continue to visit the hospital on a daily basis said they have not been told exactly what are the diagnosis of the injured men. All three of the men seem to have suffered internal injuries and that is what is more worrying to the relatives.They said that after the X-rays were taken, one doctor said that he did not see anything. Another said that he saw some thing. Now that they are being told that the doctor to look into the matter is still not available.“Three days after and the right doctor is still not available,Cheap NBA Jerseys,” one relative lamented.Noble,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, who was unconscious when he was taken to the hospital, regained consciousness on Sunday.He was sitting in front and was badly burnt on his face and upper part of his body by oil that poured from the vehicle after it toppled. He was reportedly also suffering from injuries to his spine,Cheap Los Angeles Rams Jerseys, neck and other parts of his body.Up to press time he was deaf in the left ear and his eyes, face and neck remained swollen. Noble’s relatives are querying why he has not been transferred to the Georgetown Hospital for more advance treatment.Anthony reportedly suffered from a pinch nerve and Carter a suspected fractured rib. They were both crying out for internal pains and pains on their head,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, back and other parts of their bodies. However, relatives say that they have not been told exactly what is wrong with the men.The state of the art New Amsterdam Hospital does not have a proper neck brace for the injured men who may have sustained spinal injuries.There is also a shortage of tablets. Tablets prescribed for Noble were not available at the hospital.Reports are that the men were traveling in Fire Tender 54 on their way to investigate a report of a fire at a Mandir at Number 48 Village, It is reported that the vehicle which was using its siren was about to overtake a car.At the said time the car attempted to overtake another car. The fire truck then swerved to its right to avoid hitting the car, but ended up clipping it causing the truck driver to loose control.Eyewitnesses said that the truck which was filled with water started to swerve on the road.This continued for some distance before the vehicle turned turtle about three times, uprooting a concrete structure in the process,Wholesale China Jerseys, before finally coming to rest in an upside down position.Sources said that the truck started to smoke and oil was also leaking from the vehicle. They said that Carter, who was sitting in the inner part of the vehicle, had to smash his way out to help his two colleagues to safety. The men then collapsed.Residents arrived on the scene and assisted in taking the men to the Skeldon Hospital. They were later transferred to the New Amsterdam hospital.

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