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發表於 2018-4-28 01:13:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police have released Safari Inn proprietor Frances Correia as they await a post mortem on the remains of 37-year-old handyman Victor Ramsabad.Kaieteur News understands that Mr. Correia was released on $30,000 station bail yesterday. He was detained on Tuesday, when Ramsabad’s body was found on his premises.In a brief telephone interview, Mr. Correia said that he is to return to the police next Monday, since the ranks are still conducting their investigations.The dead man’s mother said that she was informed that his post mortem will be performed on Monday.There have been various suggestions as to how Ramsabad, called ‘Tun Tun’ met his demise.His mother said she had received reports that he got into an altercation after he had ‘taken’ some alcoholic beverages without permission.Yvonne Correia, the hotel owner’s wife,Wholesale Jerseys From China, confirmed that the handyman was a heavy drinker and sometimes stole beverages from the bar. She said that Ramsabad had been doing odd-jobs at the hotel since he was about 15.  He was paid $3,000 for a day’s work and was well treated, despite his drinking habit.But she said that while they put up with the handyman’s pilfering, they were particularly upset by his habit of peeping into the bedrooms and even into bathrooms at showering guests, particularly females. The businesswoman alleged that ‘Tun Tun’ would even “bore holes” in the bedroom walls to get a view of the guests.She believes that the heavy-drinking Ramsabad might have tumbled to his death from a shed which he habitually climbed to peep into the bedrooms of visiting couples.It was suggested that he had met his demise since Sunday night, but his body was not found until Tuesday because that area is not regularly traversed.Mrs. Correia said that she was informed that at around 22:00 hrs on Sunday, a couple came to book a room at the hotel. A female tenant gave the customers a room key, and on looking outside, saw ‘Tun Tun’ in the yard.“She say ‘Tun Tun’, auntie Yvonne ain’t say that she don’t want you in the yard after hours?’”According to Mrs. Correia the tenant then went inside, so she was unable to say whether the handyman had left. Mrs. Correia believes that he was intoxicated at the time, since he had visited a wedding house in the area earlier in the day.Her husband found Ramsabad’s body two days later.The dead man had what appeared to be a gaping wound to the back of the head and lacerations about the body.

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