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發表於 2017-1-4 08:23:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Gary Cherone and Nuno Bettencourt of Boston hard rockers EXTREME performed the national anthem yesterday (Saturday,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, May 26) at at Fenway Park during the Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays game. Field-level video footage of the performance can be seen below. The clip was filmed by Darren Parker,Wholesale Nike Philadelphia Eagles Jerseys From China, who has proclaimed himself one of Nuno's biggest fans. The band and fans know him as NunoFreak. Darren has an inoperable brain tumor,Wholesale Nike Pittsburgh Steelers Jerseys From China, rendering him unable to work as his medical bills are mounting. A fundraiser is being held on June 23 at Sleep's Bar & Grill in Bluffs,Wholesale Nike Oakland Raiders Jerseys From China, Illinois which will include an auction, donations and freewill. Darren's dream was to have Nuno show up,Wholesale Nike New England Patriots Jerseys From China, but, unfortunately,Wholesale Nike Dallas Cowboys Jerseys From China, Nuno will be in London on tour with Rihanna. Bettencourt came up with a solution to help. Last week,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, Nuno surprised Darren by calling him on the phone and invited him to be his special guest with Gary for the Red Sox game. This generous offer included Darren to be on the field when they performed the national anthem. After the performance, Nuno gifted him one of his Washburn Nuno Bettencourt N4 guitars so Darren can auction it on eBay to help cover his medical expenses. The Red Sox has kindly agreed to let Darren come in the afternoon to watch soundcheck and then stay in the park to watch batting practice. "We are making this real special for him," stated Bettencourt.  After the phone call with Nuno,Wholesale Nike Denver Broncos Jerseys From China, Darren sent management an e-mail saying that he "literally had to pull the car over on the side of the road for 20 minutes to just process the conversation he just had with Nuno."For more information on the fundraiser,Wholesale Nike Seattle Seahawks Jerseys From China, visit Darren's web site.

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