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Cheap Jerseys China OCDT









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發表於 2018-4-28 21:23:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday, eleven (11) Officer Cadets received their new badges of rank at the Guyana Defence Force Ensigncy Parade which was held at Base Camp Ayanganna’s Auditorium. Their promotions came upon completion of Standard Officers’ Course #45.The newly commissioned ensigns are: Officer Cadet (OCDT),Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Marvin Dey, OCDT, Godwin Maceron, OCDT, Akeem Kirton, OCDT, Wavon Samuel, OCDT, Stacey Cadogan, OCDT, Godfrey Isaacs, ODCT, Seon Abrams, OCDT Ewart Andrews,Cheap Jerseys, OCDT, Brian Christopher, OCDT, Steffon Cameron and OCDT, Teffrun James.Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best who delivered the address to the ensigns reminded them that as they graduate it should be clear to them that their journey to leadership is almost complete. He told them that in a matter of months he expects all of them to be decorated as second lieutenants.“That you have reached this far is most commendable. Today, I will speak to you on four areas that I believe would have served you well in successfully concluding this Officer Cadet Course and will also guide your military careers”.Army Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best decorating one of the newly commissioned ensigns during the parade yesterday.The areas the Chief of Staff zeroed in on included the significance of military awards, the ensigns’ value to society and the Guyana Defence Force,cheap jerseys, leadership and its challenges and respect and protection of rights.“It is significant for you to know now that it is not just about wearing stars on your shoulders but to recognize that your shoulders will bear greater burdens and challenges” he told the newly Commissioned ensigns.Best further stated that it is common in the Guyana Defence Force to honour performance and issue awards for meritorious conduct.“Your parade today is yet another instance of an awards ceremony. However its significance goes beyond you, the recipients,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, as it recognizes those who taught, nurtured, guided, instructed and, in this particular circumstance,Cheap China Jerseys, your parents who trusted us to train you.”On this note, the Chief of Staff took time out to thank the parents and guardians.“Another aspect of military awards ceremonies, is its public nature. Today, our nation is able to join in observing your elevation, attend to our confirmation that you merited this parade and recognize that there is collective agreement on your success. Indeed our nation will no doubt have its own expectations of each one of you,” he stated emphatically.He told the ensigns that duty falls upon them as future leaders to recognize and celebrate performances that merit recognition.“A duty also falls on you to ensure that each and every one of your charges merit the award given as is the case with you today. As gradaunds of this course, you will discover that your value to society has increased tremendously because you have added positively to the nations productive stock.”He further emphasised the fact that the ensigns are now new national defense and security practitioners and will be seen as upholders of high values and standards.“Our society will expect you to defend our territorial integrity, you will be expected to show leadership in your home communities and be a role model to the youths in your neighborhood”.The Chief of Staff also charged the ensigns to always maintain the highest standards possible at all times, whether in or out of uniforms.“You also add value to the Guyana Defence Force. As I anticipate your commissioning and military service, I know that you will be expected to lead fearlessly. You will also be expected to put your mission and country first and the rest of priorities will fall into their respective places.”He reminded the ensigns that they will have to command men and women, and in so doing, they will discover that leadership is about getting things done through people, and it is in that context they will be required to master people skills in order to effectively lead their subordinates.“The Guyana Defence Force will demand that you train, educate and counsel your subordinates,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, and equally, we expect you, as subordinates, to effectively perform your duties, in the absence of your superiors.”

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