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發表於 2018-4-29 09:24:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police are hunting the estranged husband of a woman who allegedly stabbed her no less than 20 times and left her lifeless body lying in a blood soaked bed in a City Hotel. Dead is Maryann Nauth 31, a mother of three children of Lot 110 Vryheids Lust North, ECD. Nauth was discovered lying in a room at the K &VC Hotel on South Road. According to relatives,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the woman was last seen in the company of her estranged husband on Saturday night sometime around 8:30pm.Hotel staff members were tightlipped about the incident when this newspaper visited yesterday afternoon. However one female staffer who “books” the rooms said that she was unaware if the hotel had any surveillance cameras. The woman told Kaieteur News that she did not work the night shift and could not give any information about the incident.The woman’s body was discovered around 2 o’ clock on Sunday morning and by 8 am, police investigators had already completed their initial probe and the business was re-opened.Though the hotel was still open for business, its security officer was told to close the gates and doors and to only allow “customers looking for business”.Reports indicate that the woman checked into the hotel late Saturday night in the company of a man. Just before 2 am, the man alone was seen leaving the hotel, prompting hotel employees to check the room he had rented.Dead: Maryann NauthThere they made the gruesome discovery of Nauth’s body with a knife still stuck in the centre of her chest. The killer also left a rose and a photograph of a man and a woman next to her body.Relatives who had gathered at the woman’s home yesterday to celebrate Mother’s Day were quickly plunged into a state of deep mourning. Loud screams were heard as her two sisters and brother broke the tragic news to their elderly mother, who had waited up all night on Saturday for Nauth to return home.According to the dead woman’s sister,NBA Jerseys From China, Indira Mangru, around 02:00pm on Saturday, she and Nauth were having a conversation at their home when Maryann received a call.“We were talking and she phone ring,Wholesale World Cup Jerseys, so I ask she is who and she said it’s her children father call her to collect some money for the children.”The woman said she overheard her sister telling the man that she could not spend long and she would leave shortly.“On the phone I hear her telling him that she will come but she wouldn’t stay late so she will leave around 09:00pm (Saturday).”But she explained that her sister then called a taxi and left the home around 05:30pm on Saturday to go meet her estranged husband who was waiting for her at Demico House.According to the grieving woman, she woke up early Sunday morning and her mother informed her that Nauth didn’t return home.“I know she don’t normally stay out the entire night. If she go somewhere she would come home the latest one o’clock.”According to the sister,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, as she was preparing to go to the market yesterday morning, the suspect’s mother called and asked “my mother if she heard what happened to Maryann”.A mother’s anguish: the dead woman’s mother (right) is being consoled by a relative.Although at the time she did not know of the fate that had befallen her sister,NFL Jerseys Outlet, she had an uneasy feeling after the phone call.According to the sister, the suspect’s mother told them that her son did not sleep at home the Saturday night and she advised that they check the hospital.Mangru said that by then other relatives started to call her inquiring about her sister.“After they calling, I told my son let us go search for her and I go to the hospital and then I hear some police took her lifeless body there.”Violent relationshipRelatives said that the now dead woman had endured a 13 year relationship with the suspect,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, which ended in December last year. Although the pair was separated, the suspect would still communicate because of the children. Her sister explained that in December last year,China Jerseys Cheap, the suspect came home one afternoon and began arguing with Nauth. The sister said a scuffle between the two ensued and at that point Nauth who was tears, told him that she had enough of the relationship and she wanted out. This, according to the sister, infuriated the man who picked up an “ice pick” and attacked Nauth. The sister told Kaieteur News that Nauth ran upstairs to her home and locked herself in one of the rooms.“After he didn’t get to stab her, he pick up the hammer and break up the tables, the television and wall divider”. The sister said that suspect even destroyed a television set which was in her home.”The woman leaves to mourn her elderly mother, three children, two sisters and one brother among other relatives.

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