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Samuel WhyteHistory was created last week when the New Amsterdam Rotary Club inducted two women into its fold, thus breaking a 27-year barrier. The two women inducted into the organisation are Attorney at Law and social and community activist Charlyn Artiga, and Businesswoman and community worker Angilla Satar.The two inducted women Mrs. Angilla Satar (left) and Attorney at Law, Ms. Charlyn ArtigaThe induction ceremony which was held at the Rose Estate Training Building was attended by fellow Rotarians, family members and other well wishers.Speaking at the club meeting and induction ceremony President Rabindranauth Sookraj said that he and the members of the club are extremely happy to be a part of history. He stated that he is even more pleased to be the President when the feat was being achieved.Ms Artiga, who hails from Sheet Anchor Village, East Canje, Berbice, had her early education at the All Saints Primary School before continuing to the New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary School and then proceeding to President College.She then proceeded to the University Of Guyana where she graduated in Accountancy and with her Bachelor in Legal laws. She subsequently graduated with the Legal Education Certificate from the Hugh Wooding Law School in 2010 and has been practising since.Mrs. Satar, who is a married mother of one, currently resides at Cumberland Village East Canje, Berbice. She holds the position of Manager of Jim Bacchus Travel Service for the past 13 years. Her early life saw her attending both the Port Mourant and Bohemia Primary schools before moving to Berbice High School where she passed several CXC subjects. She then became a teacher at the same school.She subsequently qualified with a Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality from the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education and a Diploma in Management from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and a Diploma Public Communication from the University of Guyana.She currently holds the position of Assistant Secretary /Treasurer with the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA).Both women expressed their delight at being a part of history and being accepted into such a prestigious organisation like the Rotary. They both feel privileged to be making history and breaking the barrier after 27 years.The women stated that it was always their desire to give back and serve the community and the rotary club will give them such an opportunity. They are both comfortable being in the organisation since their orientation period was very fruitful and encouraging. They are also members of other organisations which are also male dominated.Ms Artiga stated that she is one of two females in the Guyana Association of Legal Practitioners (GALP) formally the Berbice Bar Association in the ancient county.They are both looking forward to a long a fruitful association with the august body and are aspiring to become the first female presidents in the future. They are also hoping that other females will follow the path they are setting set in their quest to serve and make the community a better place.Artiga was presented and introduced by President elect Attorney at Law Charrandass Persaud while Ms Satar had her introduction and presentation dome by Immediate Past President Tajpaul Adjodhea.The new members were inducted and charged by Regional Chairman and Past President of the Club David Armogan who congratulated them for being a part of history.He encouraged them to make full use of their skills and their expertise to help enhance the work and image of the Rotary. He wished them well and a long a fruitful stay in the organisation.The women were also congratulated by members President Sookraj, Magistrate Chandra Sohan and Drs Narine Dut Sooknanan, Ganesh Shivkumar and Rishi Ramharack among others.The rotary club of New Amsterdam is the last of the clubs in Guyana to induct women in their fold. It was also one of 11 clubs worldwide to have held that status.There are at present 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide in over 32,China NFL Jerseys,000 Rotary Clubs in more than 200 countries.Rotary began in 1905 with the formation of “the Rotary Club of Chicago” in February 23. The name Rotary was come upon from the early practice of rotating meetings among members. There are 18 per cent women memberships among the clubs in the world. The first woman was inducted as a member of the rotary club worldwide in 1987.

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