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[PS3] Dennis Rasmussen Jersey i45ioeci









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發表於 2017-1-4 11:11:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Relatives of a 15-year-old girl who was allegedly kidnapped and raped last week are now appealing to the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to expedite investigations into this matter.Reports are that the young lady who lives in Suriname, was visiting her sister’s residence at Maida, on the Corentyne,Tie Domi Jersey, Berbice when the incident occurred.According to a family friend, the alleged kidnapping took place on March 9 and a report was made to the Whim and New Amsterdam Police Stations by the girl’s grandparents.When Kaieteur News contacted the grandparents on Friday, they declined to speak; however a close friend of the family related a story.The man, who wished not to be identified,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, stated that when the report was made to the police stations,Vladimir Konstantinov Jersey, ranks told the grandparents that they alone could not search for the girl and that they (the grandparents) must help.They had suspected that their neighbours were involved in the girl’s disappearance but could not prove it.Shortly after,Curtis Joseph Jersey, because of how their houses are situated the grandparents were able to hear the neighbours mentioning the names “Bibi” and “Tuschen” with reference to the missing girl in their conversations.“They said they heard the neighbour(s) talking about Tuschen but didn’t know where it was. They asked persons who told them it was in Region Three. Eventually they boarded a minibus and visited the Leonora Police Station.They said that they were sent away by a junior rank without him taking statements. They went to Tuschen on the West Coast Demerara and were met by the Community Policing Group (CPG) members who were on duty at that time,” said the man.The CPG members began searching for the woman in the area named “Bibi” and after a long search they found her.“They picked her up and she said that her uncle has the girl and when the CPG got to the uncle he said it was Bibi who had her. When she was taken to the station, Bibi denied this and was released by the Station Sergeant who was rude and disrespectful to the CPG. She chase the grandparents.”The CPGs had no choice but to take the elderly couple in their care and thus the grandparents had to stay at the home of one member after they were chased from the said station.The grandparents received a telephone call on their cellular phone some time later. The caller told them that they should not look for the young girl because she was safe.On Thursday, last,Phil Kessel Jersey, the distraught girl was surprisingly ‘dropped off’ at the Whim Police Station by two persons and was taken into the station before her parents arrived.According to a police source,Johan Franzen Jersey, a police officer on duty wrote a statement and forced the young girl to sign the paper,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, before any relatives or family members could arrive. Her grandparents who cannot read were also told to sign documents at the said police station before they could take the girl home.When asked what they signed, they could not say, but simply said that the police told them they had to sign the paper(s).The man continued to explain that the girl has related to her family that she was dragged down the stairs from her house on the day she was kidnapped.She was taken somewhere in West Coast Berbice (WCB) where she was raped and then transported to Tuschen, and was also raped there.The young lady had told her family that she was kept locked in a room and fed bread. It was only when the persons there were ready to have sex with her that they “put her to bathe”.‘The police at Whim didn’t hold the suspect or take the girl for a medical. Imagine that. Commissioner Brummel has ordered investigations into the matter but the family doesn’t have any trust in the police in Berbice.“As I speak the father of the suspect is outside of the house with a cutlass threatening the family to kill them,John Klingberg Jersey,” the source added.Kaieteur News understands that on Friday morning ranks conducting investigations found another 15-year-old girl in a house at Tuschen. This was the same house in which “Bibi” lived.The other girl also claimed that she was kidnapped and locked up in during the past week.The girl who was found Friday is said to come from Canje,Auston Matthews Jersey, Berbice. She claimed that her family had “disowned her”. She is said to have been living in Bibi’s house for two weeks before ranks discovered her.This newspaper was also told that Bibi is currently in police custody at the Den Amstel Police Station while another man is at the Leonora Police Station.Commander Griffith of “D” Division could not be contacted.

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