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That includes playing in less than ideal conditions. Rather than move the practice inside when it started to rain, Pettine kept his team on the field to get some playing time in bad weather.
"I don't expect anything," Manziel said. "I expect to come out and get the reps and get the teamwork that I'm told I'm going to get. I hope to do whatever the coaches tell me."
In Saturday's preseason opener,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, a 13-12 loss to the Detroit Lions, Hoyer completed 6 of 14 passes for 92 yards. Manziel was 7 of 11 for 63 yards, but flashed the ability to use his legs by rushing for 27 yards on six carries. Neither quarterback was able to get his team into the end zone.
The race remains up in the air, but eventually, someone is going to have to win the starting quarterback job for the Browns.
Neither looked particularly sharp in sloppier, rainy conditions on Monday. Hoyer threw two interceptions, one each to Joe Haden and Buster Skrine. On Haden's interception, Hoyer's intended receiver, Miles Austin, slipped in the slick grass and allowed Haden to get the pick.
"I'm sure we need to get used to playing in a little bit different conditions. Can't be perfect every day," Manziel said.
That doesn't mean Manziel won't get the opportunity to prove himself before Cleveland takes on Washington next Monday night. Browns coach Mike Pettine said the reps will be mixed this week, and a decision on the starting quarterback for the second preseason game will come later in the week.
BEREA, Ohio (AP) — Brian Hoyer knows Johnny Manziel is gunning for his job, but the Browns' incumbent starting quarterback wants to make one thing clear.
"To me, this is my team until someone else tells me otherwise," Hoyer said.
NOTES: TE Jordan Cameron (shoulder) returned to practice in a no-contact brown jersey. He didn't participate much in team drills, but did catch a pass from Manziel and was able to turn up the sideline. . WR Josh Gordon sat out practice with an unspecified minor injury. Other players riding the bikes included WR Nate Burleson (hamstring),Cheap Jerseys, FB MarQueis Gray (concussion), CB Justin Gilbert (groin), DL Billy Winn (abdomen), LB Darius Eubanks (shoulder) and LT Joe Thomas, who was getting a scheduled day off.
But Hoyer and Manziel haven't been able to create much distance between each other.
As for what Manziel could do to potentially win the starting job, Pettine says there are a few things Manziel can continue to do, but he will take everything into consideration.
And after a rain-soaked practice Monday morning,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the evidence would point to that still being the case, as Hoyer took his reps with the first-team offense, relegating Manziel to second-team duty. He may be fighting for the starting job, but for now, the Browns remain Hoyer's team.
In other words, nothing is locked up. However, Hoyer still has the inside track at the starting job he's been maintaining to this point. And it might not be that tenuous of a lead, according to Pettine. As far as he's concerned,China Jerseys, Hoyer is in the same position he's been in all of training camp.
"Nothing's changed. If there was a significant change on the depth chart, it would be reflected on the field," Pettine said.
It's his job to lose,China Jerseys Wholesale.
Now Hoyer or Manziel just need to do it.
As for Manziel, he didn't show much in the way of a rhythm during practice, but the confident rookie is simply going to try to make the best of his opportunities,Wholesale China Jerseys, whatever they may be.
"If you're going to put a job at a starting role, I've always felt that needs to be earned," Pettine said.
"Just continue to master his craft, run the offense, be efficient," Pettine said. "I don't think it's a tangible thing where you can say if he does this, then this will happen."

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