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Kris Letang Jersey 4zlrdr2c









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發表於 2017-1-4 18:30:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– disruption caused by emergency maintenance works Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) will be working to restore potable water to the Cummings Park community in Sophia. This disclosure comes after residents of Cummings Park had reportedly suffered lack of the basic necessity,Mike Gartner Jersey, for several weeks.However, in a release to the press yesterday, the Water Authority sought to clear the air on the issue.“The nation’s supplier of Water and Sanitation Services,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, (GWI) wishes to advise that the service disruption affecting customers of Cummings Park, reported in the Thursday May 23 edition of the Kaieteur News, resulted from emergency maintenance at the Cummings Lodge Well Station which commenced last week …GWI is working to restore its service,Seth Jones Team North America Jersey,” the statement said.A source attached to the Government agency told Kaieteur News that in such circumstances, provision is made for the dispensation of water to affected locales.Cummings Park Residents last reported that absolutely no distribution of water was made to their neighbourhood since early April.The Cummings Park community usually receives its water supply from the Cummings Park or Shelter Belt well stations. Residents claimed that since the disruption, they were given no other choice, than to pay $3,CM Punk Jersey,500 each,Dennis Rasmussen Jersey, for the distribution of clean water to their respective homes. Some,Cody Eakin Jersey, who cannot afford this method,Kris Versteeg Jersey, depend on the rains.Information reaching this newspaper is that some people have resorted to using water from the canals to complete household tasks.Emergency maintenance at the Cummings Lodge Well Station also resulted in reduced levels of service in Sophia (A to E Field),Jaden Schwartz Jersey, Liliendaal and Turkeyen.  The company is said to have issued an advisory last week, via all available sources of media,Mike Modano Jersey, informing customers of the emergency work and the subsequent consequences.Guyana Water Incorporated apologised for the service disruption and promised that normal service will be restored in the swiftest manner possible to all affected customers.

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