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發表於 2017-1-4 19:16:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force appears to be slipping into a state of turmoil,Jerseys From China, with at least three seniorDavid Ramnarinepolice officials making serious allegations against each other.One rank has sent allegations against a senior official to the Police Office for Professional Responsibility (OPR). This has reportedly led to the senior rank vowing to send “disturbing revelations” about the junior rank to his superiors and to Government officials.Kaieteur News understands that one of the controversies stems from decisions that Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine,China Jerseys, had made while Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud was on 100 days leave. Attempts are now being made to declare these decisions, including the promotion of some ranks, “null and void.”Kaieteur News was told that Commissioner of Police Persaud has sent memos to Ramnarine,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, the Force’s Finance Officer and to Divisional and Branch Commanders,Jerseys China, indicating that these decisions should be overturned.It is reportedly being argued that Ramnarine was not invested with the authority to make these decisions because there was no consultation between the President of Guyana and the Opposition leader on Ramnarine’s appointment as ActingCommissioner of Police Seelall PersaudTop Cop.The Top Cop has reportedly quoted sections of the Constitution of Guyana, regarding appointments within the Force, to support his argument.The clash of the Force’s hierarchy has reportedly reached some Government officials. Some sources have reportedly expressed concern that junior ranks were brought into dispute, when the two senior officials could have met to thrash out these issues.“The matter is now in the hands of the Government, because what is basically being suggested is that Ramnarine, who was acting as the Commissioner of Police, was not properly authorised by His Excellency, President David Granger, in keeping with the requirements of the Constitution,” a source said.But even more worrying are reports that a Divisional rank has sent a statement to the police Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) with at least four complaints against a member of the police hierarchy.One complaint reportedly involves the handling of a murder investigation. Another concerns the transfer of a police inspector.Kaieteur News understands that the official that the rank has filed complaints against has signalled intensions of filing even more serious complaints against the junior rank.

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