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發表於 2017-1-5 00:25:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…As Dutchin’s ‘I am a Guyanese’ is adjudged #1 road march songCellular phone giant,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, Digicel Guyana,Cheap Jerseys From China, reigned supreme in the full large costumeThe winning Mash Band in the Rupununicategory when the results for the Mashramani 2012 costume and float parade were unveiled.  And it was another giant company,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Banks DIH that copped the second place. The Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT) and the Ministry of Culture both following in a close third.In the Full Medium costume category, it was the Ministry of Agriculture that was adjudged the winner while the Ministry of Tourism was second and the Ministry of Local Government in a competitive third place.The Ministry of Education was not to be left out of the winning streak having being able to secure first place for itself in the Full Small Costume category. The Public Service Ministry placed second and Rusal third in this category.In the individual pieces category it was Digicel again taking the first place as the number one King of the Road while the Ministry of Education took second place and the third place being awarded to Ansa McAl.However, it was Ansa McAl that captured the Queen of the Road crown while the YCT captured the second best spot and Banks DIH placing third.Digicel again was voted number one for the male individual costume,Cheap NFL Jerseys, with Banks DIH and YCT following second and third respectively. The Female individual costume went to Digicel while Banks DIH claimed second and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security took the third place.In the large semi costume category it was YCT claiming the number one title,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Banks DIH taking second place and Slingshot settling for third. The Medium semi costume category number one spot was handed to the Chinese Association and the second place was delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture while third place went to the Ministry of Health.The Commercial floats top spot was secured by Banks DIH. Don Gomes Optical was adjudged the second place.The winner of the Non-commercial float was the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport followed by YCT and the Ministry of Agriculture.The Regional results for the Full Medium Costume category saw Region Three being adjudged number one,China Jerseys Authentic, Region Four number two and Region Five securing third place. Region Six was afforded the top spot for the small costume category while second place went to the Local Government Ministry.The individual costumes category saw Region Four claiming the number one King of the Road title,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, followed by Region Three, and Region Five. Queen of the Road title was given to Region Four, Region Three and Region Six.Meanwhile the Road March song was Adrian Dutchin’s ‘I am a Guyanese’, Vanilla’s ‘Rage’ was adjudged number Two and third place was secured by Tropikal and Mystic’s ‘Regardless’.

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