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Cheap Jerseys one of the victim’s daughters









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發表於 2017-1-5 00:35:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–  cops questioning twoThe partly nude body of a 56-year-old mother of five was found around 4:00 hrs yesterday outside a Swan, Soesdyke/Linden Highway shop where she had gathered with family members and friends some hours earlier to celebrate Mother’s Day.Dead: Judy Joseph, called ‘Auntie Judy’Judy Joseph,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, known as ‘Auntie Judy, was found dead outside the shop by the owners of the property, several hours after she had gone there to drink with a small gathering.While police said that her body bore no visible marks of violence, her pants and underwear were down to her knees, giving rise to suspicion that she had been sexually assaulted and slain. Kaieteur News understands that the victim’s slippers were found a short distance away.Residents are also puzzled that the woman was found near the shop, especially since the shopkeeper is adamant that she had seen Ms. Joseph heading for home.Police took two men into custody after learning that they were among the last persons with whom the victim was drinking. Kaieteur News understands that one of the men had remained behind with Ms. Joseph after the others had left. He resides at a community further along the Soesdyke/ Linden highway.Police brought the men back to the scene before taking them to the Timehri Police Station.Eileen Joseph, one of the victim’s daughters, told Kaieteur News that she was among the family members and friends who accompanied her mother on Sunday for a ‘get-together’ at a shop, located a short distance from their home.The daughter,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, who is pregnant, said she left around 23:00 hrs on Sunday. She recalled that at the time,China Jerseys Authentic, her mother had fallen asleep at one of the tables. According to her, the shopkeeper, Felicia Pierre and the two men, who were subsequently detained, were also there.“She (the shopkeeper) asked if I could carry her (the mother) home, and I said ‘no’, because of my condition,” and she said that my mother could sleep upstairs at her,” the daughter said.The daughter said that around 04:15 hrs yesterday, another sister informed her that something had happened to their mother. The siblings then went over to the shop where they saw their mother’s body.Asked if her mother had any serious medical problems, the daughter said that she suffered from low blood pressure but was otherwise healthy.Felicia Pierre,Cheap Jerseys From China, the shopkeeper,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, told Kaieteur News that she joined her close friend “Auntie Judy” and a few other residents at the shop “to drink and celebrate Mother’s Day” around 06:00 hrs on Sunday.Detectives at the scene examine Joseph’s body“She (Ms. Joseph) was determined that I drink with her; we come a long way.”Ms. Pierre confirmed that the daughter rose to leave at around 23:00 hrs. At the time, Ms. Joseph had fallen asleep at one of the tables. The shopkeeper said that she woke Ms. Joseph and suggested that the woman rest in her home. However, Ms. Joseph declined after reassuring the shopkeeper that “she ain’t drunk.” She reportedly then indicated that she would catch up with her daughter who had just departed.According to the shopkeeper, she watched as Ms. Joseph left her yard on her way home. She recalled that one of the men who police have detained was the only remaining guest.She said that as Ms. Joseph was leaving, the man said “Auntie,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, you going home.”“She didn’t respond, and I said ‘Joe, have nothing to tell auntie, just go home,’ and he say ‘alright, I going,’ and he left in a different direction.”The woman said that when she got up to cook at around 04:05 yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys, she recalled that she had left her shop door open and went to close it. While checking the premises, she observed someone lying on the floor outside the shop. It was only after she had trained her torch on the figure that she realized that the person was ‘Auntie Judy.’ Although she observed that the woman’s pants and underwear had been pulled below her knees, she assumed that her friend was merely asleep.“I shake she and say ‘Judy, look the condition that you deh in,’ and she didn’t wake up.”Suspecting the worst, the woman summoned her husband, and after they had examined Ms. Joseph, confirmed that she was indeed dead.They then summoned the woman’s daughters and contacted the police.There has been just been one murder in recent years in the small, predominately Amerindian community off the Soesdyke/Linden highway. A few years ago, an elderly man was chopped to death on his farm, allegedly by a deranged stepson.

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