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Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys a King Street businesswoman









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發表於 2018-5-8 04:13:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– forced to cancel US tripBandits forced a businesswoman and her sister to hastily alter their planned trip to the United States of America when they snatched her bag containing more than US$25,000 along with travel documents in a daring robbery yesterday afternoon.The incident took place around 17:15 hours just as Annie Ahmad, a King Street businesswoman,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, was about to enter her 344 Middle Street home.Ahmad had just left her store a short while after purchasing the US currency to facilitate her trip to the United States which was scheduled for today.A distraught Annie Ahmad and her sister who were both scheduled to travel to the Unites States of America today.Ahmad said that after leaving her business premises, she went to pick up her daughter in Carmichael Street and then headed for home in Middle Street along with her mother and driver.As soon as she emerged from her vehicle she was confronted by two men, who according to her,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, were unarmed.At the time she was clutching her handbag with the valuables along with her daughter’s schoolbag.“I was behind the bus and he just grabbed the schoolbag and my bag and started pulling. We started hollering. I held unto my shoulder bag and loose the school bag,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” she said.Eventually, after being dragged several feet in her yard, Ahmad was forced to let go of her handbag, thus allowing the men to grab it and eventually make good their escape in a parked silver Toyota Carina 212 car HB 3846. “When they go in the car nobody out there didn’t help, although we hollering,” Ahmad lamented.She described the bandits as two tall men who were wearing three-quarter pants.The woman could not say if the men in the car had followed them or if they waited for them to arrive home. Both Ahmad and her sister are convinced that the robbery was a set up.“It got to be a set up. I had the same bag with me when I bought the US,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys,” Ahmad said.“I had to cancel the credit card; my phone is a post paid. I have to cancel the bank card…but the visa is important,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” Ahmad told Kaieteur News.The matter was reported to the police who according to the businesswoman,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, immediately sent out an all station message to track down the car and its occupants. However up to press time last night there was no report of any arrest.

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