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[IQ題] NFL Jerseys Outlet t1kriloa









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發表於 2018-5-8 06:49:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The three men who were implicated in the robbery of a New Amsterdam businessman on Saturday last, during which bandits wounded the businessman who in turn wounded one of the thieves, has been remanded to jail.Remanded: Brian DhanpatThe men  are Brian Dhanphat called” Stammer”, 26, of Smythfield, New Amsterdam, Berbice; Troyden Trellis, 20, called ‘Old Boy’, a clothes vendor of Timmers Dam, Angoy’s Avenue; and Kevin Sandy, 20, of 58 Stanleytown and Diamond, East Bank Demerara. They appeared on Friday in the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Sherdel Marcus-Isaacs and were not required to plead to the indictable charges.They are accused of around 01:20 hrs on Saturday November 14 while being armed with a gun and cutlass, robbed Uwattie Harrinandan, a teacher, of one Samsung Galaxy mini S4 cellular phone.They are also accused of on the same date and time they robbed Nicholas Harrinandan of the same address and owners of The JN Supermarket of one Blackberry cellular phone valued $50,000 and $255,000 cash. One of the cell phones was found in Dhanpat’s left pants pocket.They were remanded to jail until November 25 when the matter is expected to continue.Harrinandan was lying in a chair on his verandah when he was confronted by the three suspects who chopped him and took him into the house.During the burglary the bandits dealt Harrinandan several chops about his head and face. Harrinandan was subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital for further treatment. Harrinandan had also got hold of a chopper and inflicted some chop wounds to Dhanphat’s head, face,Supply Cheap Jerseys, hand and foot.Dhanphat who was arrested in the businessman’s house was taken to the New Amsterdam hospital for emergency treatment. He subsequently named his two cohorts as Sandy and Trellis.  He had also stated that he was kidnapped and taken to rob the business premises by the two men.  He subsequently changed his story and stated that he was in the businessman’s houseRemanded: Troyden Trellis and Kevin Sandybecause of a drug deal which he had with the businessman and was there to collect some money when he was caught in the fracas. In court he denied knowing the other two men.Police Prosecutor Sergeant Philip Sherriff objected to bail being granted to the men. He said that the victim is still hospitalized. A gun was used which was found. Dhanphat was caught in the house and the phone was found in his possession.  All the men, he said, also have pending matters of similar nature before the court while investigations in other matters are ongoing.Dhanphat then told the court that he had done a drop off for the man and was there to collect his money which was owed to him. However the man refused to pay and they had a scuffle after the man pointed a shot gun at him.  The cell phone in his pocket was given to him by the man to maintain contact.Sandy also has an arrest warrant out for him in Demerara on an arms and ammunition charge. He was allegedly found with a .22 Beretta pistol and two matching rounds. He was granted bail in the High Court.The men were captured along with another wanted man in a New Amsterdam hotel along with three teen age girls- ages 16, 17 and 19. The girls have since been released on bail pending investigations.A motor cycle used by the men was also seized.  It was found at an abandoned gas station opposite the hotel.

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